NAHEP-sponsored training on lab techniques for potential bio-control agents concludes at SKUAST-K

Srinagar: A month-long training programme entitled “Hands on Training on Laboratory Techniques for Potential Bio-control Agents” concluded with valedictory function held at SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar. The training was sponsored by ICAR under National Agriculture Higher Education Project (NAHEP) operational at SKUAST-Kashmir.
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nazir A. Ganai graced the occasion and released compendium of lectures at this occasion. The other Guests of Honour on this occasion were Dr. T. H. Masoodi, Director Research; Dr. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension; Dr. Shabir A. Wani, Dean and Dr. Shaheen K. Jan, Professor and Head, Division of Plant Pathology.
The training Coordinator, Dr. Efath Shahnaz presented an overview of the training, about the eminent speakers and details of the trainees. The training was organized by DARS, Rangreth in collaboration with the Division of Plant Pathology, SKUAST-Shalimar. Practical sessions were also imparted to the students at Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, K. D. Farm, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Sanat Nagar and Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops, Khudwani, National Institute of Technology, Dargah, Hazratbal and Indian Insitute of Integrative Medicine, Sanat Nagar.
Among the eminent speakers were Dr. P. K. Chakraborty, former member, ASRB and ADG (Plant Protection), DARE and Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal, former Dean and Head, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi. Dr. Shabir A. Wani apprised the audience about the economics of the different sectors.
Dr. T. H. Masoodi, Director Research, in his benedictory address informed the participants about the different schemes of the University. Dr. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension, encouraged the participants to start their own ventures for generation of employment.
Dr. Shaeen K. Jan, Professor and Head, Division of Plant Pathology, in her remarks stressed on the practical benefits of such training programmes. The session concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. M. D. Shah, Head, Quality Control Laboratory, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar.



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