We must encourage the depressed people

We must encourage the depressed people

Treat them with love and compassion

Some people who have many desires in their life want to work hard to fulfill them. These people have high spirits and high hopes. The life of these people is going very well. They are mentally and physically strong but then a stage comes in their lives when their family conditions are not going well and they become mentally weak. Still, their life is going pretty well. Now, the second stage comes in their lives when their physical condition also starts to deteriorate. This is that stage when all their dreams are shattered, their hopes faded, and their morale is reduced.
Due to the occurrence of these events in life, their mind starts to have a very bad effect and then these people fall into depression. Then they stop desiring. They don’t like to talk with anyone, they like to be alone. They are always disappointed in their life in every street and every time. They have no desire to achieve anything in life and leave everything in life. These people get angry and upset over small things; they cannot control their emotions. They start to go away from their studies and then feel they will get nothing from education. Due to their negative thinking, they become weaker.
These people do not even like to socialise with anyone; they don’t talk too much. These people change, their way of talking and behaviour change. When these people talk to someone, they say such things that those in front of them feel bad. Then everyone likes to distance themselves from these people. Then others think that these people are crazy. Some say wrong things about them but many people do not know about what is going on in other people’s lives. Despite being unknown, they speak ill of them.
I believe if we have depressed people around us, we should encourage them instead of badmouthing them. We should treat such people with love and compassion because we are human beings. If even as human beings we cannot understand the pain and suffering of another human being, then there is no difference between animals and humans.
We should mingle with people like them so that we can learn from their lives by listening to them and learning about their lives. And we should try to encourage depressed people and motivate them.
The writer can be reached at [email protected].

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