Only Love Shall Unite Us

Only Love Shall Unite Us

Someone has brilliantly said, “Love unites us heart to heart even when we appear separate.” Love has the real power in this world to create the strongest bonds among different people, groups and countries. We have seen many divisions so far on the basis of politics of power, religion, race and colour. Now our modern political approach should focus on love rather than hate. We can achieve unimaginable feats provided we use the skill of affection and sympathy artfully. Someone may argue that love is not like any cunning art. It is related to the very emotions of the lover. That is true. But love and sympathy can be used in spite of hatred and antagonism to create deeper and wider bonds among the people. There are many people in India who want to witness United India which was once present on the map of the world during the ancient or medieval times. It may not be a utopian dream. It can be a reality in the future. But I believe that it will not be possible through wars and conflicts. Only Love and affection may help us to realise this dream.
All of the wise people nowadays believe that the politicians and the leaders who divided us in the past were our real villains. Whosoever they were they left a lasting wound on our motherland. Now it is the duty of the great politicians and the statesmen whom we regard as our heroes to vocalise and spread the real message of love and harmony among all the parts of this greater nation. Because love shall make us eligible to win what we cannot even imagine winning through war. In this Nuclear Age, we can hardly afford a full-fledged war. Wars in this age can be suicidal. Therefore, we must learn to refuse and delete the war option once for all.
Love is a safer option rather. It demands more hardworking though. Majority of the people do not like hard work. They like to grab the targets in a hurry using the shortcut methods. Hatred is such a shortcut. But it is like a lethal weapon that can be suicidal also. Hatred goes on to widen the gaps further. If we want unity to reign honestly we have to work on the hatred first. We have to extinguish the fire of hatred before we proceed to light the flame of love. We have to treat the hearts which conceal and reveal hatred based on the religion, caste, colour or other structures created by us through the ages.
Those who wish to conquer the world through terrorism and violence shall not succeed because terrorists may endanger the individuals but cannot overcome the real and unified power of the nations. If some fanatics dream a day when this world would be bereft of religious and other differences this only depicts how foolish and idiotic their faulty designs can be. Those who want to unite this world or a large part of it under a single leader and, a single symbol and single flag may not succeed but those who shall surrender hate and bigotry and apply love and sympathy shall be the real destiny makers of this region and the world as a whole. It is important that we teach our younger generations the vitality and importance of love and affection for narrowing down the gaps and unifying the diversities in this region particularly.
As Nelson Mandela has rightly said that love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite, it would be easier for us to become more powerful and more united through love and make peace and tranquility available and accessible to millions of people who are feeling thirsty for it. Our poor and destitute people desire and deserve peace and calm to grow and develop. They deserve a sigh of relief from the stress and desperation that the hatred has created among different communities, creeds and castes. Only Love has that divine and blessing power that provides a soothing and peaceful environment for the harmony to grow among the people.

The author is a teacher at the Education Department. He can be reached at [email protected]

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