If demotivation is an ocean then demotivated one is an oyster. Demotivation is not only being lugubrious it is something that darkens your profound creativity, ignites your capabilities and makes you feel the worst one. Veraciously it is something that brings about the reform in your ideology from best to worst. Who is demotivated one? He is one who is like a parched insect of not demotivation but of something else, his ability is meant for. He is someone who is incognizant of himself.
Who demotivates us? Obviously, our answer is they as it is certain. Isn’t it? No, unfortunately, it is not ‘they’ it’s ‘we’. Veraciously, it is not they it’s ‘we’ who demotivate ourselves because we accept. Nobody can demotivate us until we believe that ‘yes’ we are. We accept whatever they say and do even not try to prove them wrong. We never think maybe their acumen is wrong and make ourselves demotivated, by accepting we are not, not but ‘I’ am and this acts as a gargantuan barrier which makes us suck the nectar of Amarbel.
Deliberately, if you have the determination and are passionate then nobody can stop you to step in not your want but in valourous practicality where all our profound hopes (not expectations) come true.
So the obscure reality of demotivation is not people or any particular thing, it’s ‘we’. So let’s not fall into the web and let’s prove them wrong. Let’s move from an insect to a whole Amarbel so that before they attract us, they get attracted to us. And let’s bring our thaumaturgic endowments a unique colour of valourousness and adorable priority.

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