Building priceless bonds: The value of college environment for students

Building priceless bonds: The value of college environment for students

Colleges serve as educational institutions where students not only acquire knowledge but also form interpersonal connections. The environment that students establish within the college is invaluable because it is established on a bond of affection that is worth a lot. The environment is composed of students with diverse preferences and has the ability to endure a significant degree of distractions. The assistance of friends in this environment is also precious because they can provide support in various situations, such as grief, monotony, animosity, and other distractions that can lead to frustration or mental illness. In college, students often create two types of environments: one that is costly and another that is inexpensive. This means that a student may have two types of friends: one who is their strength and another who is just a classmate. People desire friends who can support them in any circumstance. Nevertheless, there is frequently a valuable bond between the entire class due to a strong understanding and excellent teamwork. This type of bond can make us weep when we say goodbye at the end of college.
Upon my admission to a professional college located in Srinagar, an autonomous institution of tourism in India. Its location is in the heart of the city, specifically in Rajbagh, Srinagar. My first day of college was filled with eagerness to interact with fellow students, as I had not enjoyed my schooling experience and was not satisfied with the environment. However, after a week of attendance, my eagerness dissipated due to the enforcement of strict rules and regulations, which proved to be quite challenging to tolerate. Despite this, we were compelled to abide by the rules since we had paid a significant amount of money in fees, which itself was difficult to collect. Our class initially consisted of 23 students, but after 20 days, some students left the college due to their inability to tolerate the strict rules.
Consequently, only 17 students remained in the class. All students encountered identical circumstances, but we endured all the regulations. In our leisure hours, we conversed, exchanging various tales and deriving pleasure. These dialogues united us, fostering an atmosphere of liberation and ease. The college’s principles and guidelines did not impact us due to the exorbitant bond of fondness and concern we established. In proximity to our college, there was a stunning Dal Lake where we spent time, and the beautiful garden with its breathtaking flowers and trees, resulting in unforgettable moments. We also visited a shopping mall in our free time, relishing the moments. We were content with one another. As the conclusion of college approached, we were elated to finish our education, yet melancholic as we would lose the environment of love that we had constructed.
After our end-term examinations, we spent a brief period together and said goodbye to everyone. We are still in contact, but we miss the environment of love that we created in our college. It makes me emotional whenever I recall those moments. We had a good relationship with our highly educated and skilled instructors who prepared us for the future. We were unable to speak in class, but now we can all speak fluently in public. They worked hard to enhance our abilities, and I am grateful to them. The environment of love was created when we cared for each other, loved, faced problems together, and developed a beautiful bond of experience. The most important thing was to support all the students, especially those who were struggling with education. When we walked together, we did not hate others. We need to support our classmates who are facing difficulties in education.
Although a student who satisfies their requirements and is determined to abandon everyone can satisfy their longings, they are unable to comprehend the authentic significance of communal gatherings. Due to a deficiency of constructive knowledge, they cannot establish a joyous family. Although money is capable of procuring anything, it is incapable of purchasing genuine love. In our elderly years, it is imperative to be content with life, rather than enduring a tedious and malevolent existence. To develop a beautiful life, it is necessary to possess the ability to construct an affectionate environment. Money depletes, however, true love will perish when the world perishes.
The author is pursuing graduation at Government Degree College Kangan. He can be reached at [email protected]

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