Education of high quality: Providing Kashmiri youth choice and support

Education of high quality: Providing Kashmiri youth choice and support

The pursuit of knowledge has always been respected in the lovely region of Kashmir, where natural beauty blends with a rich cultural past. Quality education must be given precedence above just quantitative measures, though. The empowerment of Kashmiri youth via education should serve as a spark for allowing them to pursue their own goals and paths. The importance of parents in this project cannot be emphasized, as they significantly impact how their children will learn.
Kashmiri parents frequently harbor hopes and wish for their kids that may result from their own unmet goals. But it’s important to remember that every child is a distinct individual with skills, passions, and aspirations. Parents should encourage exploration, self-discovery, and the freedom to follow their path instead of forcing unfulfilled goals upon their children.
Parents can encourage their kids to become independent thinkers and decision-makers by adhering to the “Make them free to choose their world and their dreams” mentality. One way is to foster open communication, trust, and support where kids feel safe expressing their dreams and interests. Parents can encourage their children’s uniqueness and enthusiasm by actively listening to their needs and guiding them rather than making decisions for them.
It is even more essential to place a priority on high-quality education in areas like Kashmir, where sociopolitical issues have had an impact on the educational system. Standardized assessment and rote memorization are just some of the components of quality education. It emphasizes developing critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence. Kashmiri youngsters who receive a high-quality education are better equipped to deal with the complicated realities of their existence and make essential contributions to their communities.
Parental involvement in promoting high-quality education extends beyond fostering academic achievement. Parents can actively participate in their children’s educational development by getting involved in school events, going to parent-teacher conferences, and developing relationships with teachers. Parents can provide their kids the support and advocacy they need to succeed by forming trusting connections with their instructors and remaining up to date on their kids’ accomplishments.
Parents can also provide opportunities for experiential learning to supplement formal schooling. Kashmir’s picturesque scenery presents many options for enhancing educational experiences. Parents can introduce their children to the richness of their surroundings by taking them on excursions to historical locations, participating in cultural activities, or volunteering in the community. These encounters broaden their knowledge and encourage tolerance, empathy, and a more global viewpoint.
Parents must also establish in their kids’ fundamental principles supporting high-quality education. Values like resiliency, tenacity, empathy, and a growth mindset are crucial in a child’s educational journey. Parents aid in the overall development of their children by exhibiting these values and encouraging their offspring to do the same.
To conclude, Kashmir’s educational system should be built around high-quality instruction. We can help Kashmiri young become well-rounded persons prepared to face future problems by prioritizing excellent education above quantitative measures. Let’s live by the motto, “Make them free to choose their world and their dreams,” and encourage our kids to follow their interests, develop their potential, and contribute to the development and prosperity of the community. As guardians, teachers, and decision-makers, we can create a more promising future for Kashmir’s young people.
The author is a teacher at BMS Poshkar Zone Khag

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