Ramadan Teaches Love, Sympathy And Tolerance

Ramadan Teaches Love, Sympathy And Tolerance

This month teaches us maturity and wisdom

The holy month of Ramadan is no doubt the best month for all the believers who believe that this world is a test for humans and whoever lives with purity and stands for righteousness shall reap the blessing harvest in the hereafter. Those who believe that there is only one creator and sustainer of this whole universe and he is also the sole destroyer of all the mortal things in this universe. He blessed the believers with this great and pious opportunity to obey properly and have the access to real and blissful salvation at the end.
In the holy Quran, Allah says that fasting during the month of Ramadan was made obligatory for the believers as they were made obligatory for the former nations so that they might become righteous in this world.
The month of Ramadan spreads the message of love, peace and harmony for all whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. Those who fast are also advised to sympathise with those who are in distress and help the needy. While helping and sympathising a believer has not to consider whether the person who he is helping is Muslim or non-Muslim. We are taught to help any human being irrespective of whatever his or her personal beliefs are.
Another important teaching of this holy month of Ramadan is to delete all the hate from our hearts which leads us to differentiate on many grounds in this world. We are expected to behave properly with all those whom we meet and communicate humbly and heartily.
However, unfortunately, we witness that people indulge in abusive language and illegitimate activities even during these blessed moments of Ramadan.
It is often witnessed that the fasting people are irritated and become furious about trivial matters during this month. We witness a lot of futile debates and the number of conflicts grows during this holy period. We often act opposite to the teachings of our holy book and the very spirit of this holy month. Allah says that he wants to make us God-conscious and responsive by fasting. We are expected to feel others’ pain, sympathise with those who are having a tough time and help whomsoever we can. This month teaches us to be cool and behave calmly. We are expected to praise, glorify and extol our Lord for all He had gifted us with. In a nutshell, we may say that this month teaches Love and not its opposite. It teaches us tolerance and broadmindedness. We are not expected to be surly and bad-tempered. It is not proper for a believer to get irritated so easily and behave in an immature manner. This month teaches us maturity and wisdom and it is not proper for a wise human being to yell at everyone who does not support his or her ideas. We must learn that the message of this month is cooperation rather than conflict. It shows us the path of worldly peace which shall ultimately lead to eternal peace and comfort.

The author is a teacher and can be reached at [email protected]

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