The Group of Twenty or G20 that brings the world’s leading developed and emerging economies including India is economically more beneficial than politically. For Jammu and Kashmir, it is going to be historical in business and trade, because Kashmir has potential areas of impact in the realm of trade and investment. The G20 has advocated for free trade and open investment policies, which could potentially benefit the state of Jammu and Kashmir by increasing opportunities for economic growth and development.
This worldly forum of group twenty purposefully for opening a business corridor in Kashmir will boost and generate economy in much waited business hub of Jammu and Kashmir disintegrated by turmoil and circumstances. G20 has historically been a major source of development assistance to developing countries and could potentially play a role in supporting development efforts in Jammu and Kashmir. As such political situation is favourable and investors are willing to engage with the region.
G20 in Kashmir will yield some benefits beyond trade and business, as members of different countries are coming, there will be the exchange of ideas, building relationships and knowledge of potential areas of investment. This can also build a positive understanding between the countries about the region and its potential for development and investment.
It is also worth noting that Kashmir is a highly sensitive region disturbed for a long, the violence and turmoil made every investor endanger and the region besides having potential in tourism, agriculture, horticultural and other sectors remained cut off from international trade, latest technology and machinery Even, the tourist industry was badly hit; the worth of G-20 in Kashmir is a sigh of revival and overhaul business and trade locally, nationally and internationally. Our local trade and business need to interchange a dialogue and this type of meeting need to be incorporated in the future to build a relationship for more success in business corridors in JK.
Hosting such a high-profile international forum could bring attention to the region and its unique cultural heritage, potentially increasing the interest of international investors in the region.
It is worth mentioning that primary G-20 is focusing on international economic cooperation and decision-making and is not directly involved in local business establishment or small-scale units; however, the group is working specifically on economic development and global cooperation which can directly or indirectly influence or contribute to the local growth and development.
The long-awaited programs of such kind will at least facilitate Kashmir’s small to large-scale industries to create a favourable business environment, such as policing, promotion in trade, and investment and to facilitate and provide technical support to thrive business into more professionalism and open market for international business.
For this, our government needs to provide and facilitate all the small-scale industries and local factories equipped with good infrastructure, access to finance, access to investors, build exchange programs, invite business tycoons and make the environment favourable and ensure security. The government of Jammu and Kashmir should take civil society, NGOs and other groups on board for immediate suggestions and strategies. All big and small business persons or stakeholders should take advantage of this opportunity for the G-20 meet.
Furthermore, this forum will bring a massage from Kashmir to the world regarding different things they see and observe. This will also promote peace and stability in the region by encouraging constructive dialogue and diplomatic efforts.
The group of twenty will not have a direct impact on employment but potentially pass and share valuable policies and initiatives regarding job creation and reducing the unemployment level in the region. It is essential to mention that hosting an international G-20 event in Kashmir could potentially be challenging. Srinagar is all set to host the G-20 summit as a historical event and open heaven to the world for investment and globalization for business tycoons. This will add beauty to the already beautiful region.
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