6 gamblers arrested in Kulgam, Pulwama: Police

Pulwama: Acting tough against social crimes, police on Sunday said it arrested six gamblers in Pulwama and Kulgam districts of south Kashmir and seized stake money from their possession.

“In Pulwama, acting on specific information about gambling activities in Karewas area of Urwan Parigam, a police party of Police Post Newa raided the specific site and arrested 02 gamblers on the spot. They have been identified as Gh Hassan Mir son of Habib Mir resident of Kadalbal Pampore and Tawseef Ahmad Bhat son of Mohd Subhan Bhat resident of Patal Bagh Pampore,” police said. “Officers have also seized stake money of Rs 23,680 and 09 packets of playing cards from the gamblers. They have been shifted to police station where they remain in custody.”

However, two more accused persons fled from the spot after noticing the police party, police said, adding that they have been identified as Ab Rashid Sheikh son of Sunaullah Sheikh resident of Kakapora and Ghulam Hassan Sheikh son of Ab Gani Sheikh resident of Pinglena. However, efforts are on to nab the accused persons.

In Kulgam, acting on specific information about gambling activities near Tehsil Office Kulgam, a police party headed by SHO Kulgam Inspector Aayaz Geelani raided the specific site and arrested 04 gamblers on the spot, police said, adding that they have been identified as Mohd Yaseen Bhat son of Ghulam Rasool Bhat resident of Karewa Kulgam, Mohd Rafiq Shah son of Ghulam Nabi Shah resident of Bongam Kulgam, Aashiq Hussain Bhat son of Mohd Jaffer Bhat resident of Bongam Kulgam and Mohd Maqbool Ganie son of Ghulam Qadir Ganie resident of Noorabad Kulgam. Officers have also seized stake money of Rs 2320 and playing cards from the gamblers. They have been shifted to police station where they remain in custody.

Accordingly, cases under relevant sections of law have been registered at respective Police Stations and investigation has been taken up. “Persons found indulging in criminal activities shall be dealt as per law. Community members are requested to share information regarding the crimes in their neighbourhood with the local police units,” police said.


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