Back to Village Phase IV: KVK Srinagar organizes Jan Abhiyan Programme at Theed Harwan

Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir lays stress to curb LSD in cattle and formation of FPOs

Srinagar: In order to maximize its outreach among the farming community, Kendra organized Jan Abhiyan programme under back to village programme in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Srinagar at village Theed, Harwan. The programme was presided over by worthy Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi. The programme was attended by Senior Scientist & Head, Dr. Sajad Mohi-Ud-Din, Deputy Director Trainings, Dr. Farha Naz, DDC member Ali Mohammed, scientific staff of the Kendra, officers of Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Srinagar, representative of J&K Bank and 65 farmers including rural youth and farm women of the locality.
After welcoming the dignitaries and participants of the porgramme, Senior Scientist & Head KVK Srinagar, gave an over view of the programme and highlighted the need to find an effective, economical and environmentally safe method of disposing kitchen waste, that otherwise poses a serious threat to the environment.
Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, emphasized upon formation of FPO in Agricultural and allied sectors, so that farmers are able to reap better returns by eliminating the exploitative tactics used by middle men. He stressed upon ensuring a healthy environment that safeguards and protects human and animal health alike, through judicious use of fertilizers and other inorganic inputs. He also laid thrust to promote organic farming and gave detailed information regarding the control and prevention of Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle. In order to address the issue of unemployment among rural youth, Director Extension stressed to acquire different skills through skill development training programmes being carried out by Directorate of Extension on regular basis, that not only will help them to earn a handsome living but will also provide employment opportunities to others as well.
The participants were provided hands on training on conversion of kitchen waste into compost. Qualitative field pea seeds & vermi-compost was distributed among the participating farmers under cluster frontline demonstration programme of the Kendra.

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