Zawoora villagers seek intervention of BJP’s Er Hussain for grievance redressal

PAMPORE: Villagers of Zawoora in Zewan area of Srinagar district sought intervention of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) senior leader and DDC member Khonmoh, Er Ajaz Hussain to address their grievance.
The BJP leader Er Hussain on Sunday visited Zawoora village where he was invited to listen to villagers grievance.
During the visit he met representatives, youth and various delegations of the Zawoora village.
The locals of the Zawoora grand welcomed and thanked Er Ajaz Hussain and raised slogans eulogising him.
Locals told BJP leader Er Ajaz Hussain that the Zawoora area falls under Municipal jurisdiction.
They said that the concerned municipality committee collects construction and other fees but nothing is done for improving sanitation and cleanliness of the village.
BJP leader Er Ajaz Hussain listened to the grievance and assured them that he will raise their issues at appropriate level to seek their redressal.
” Zawoora is a backward village devoid of basic amenities including health infrastructure, education, water shortage and sports infrastructure, unfortunately, the village has been declared as urban area due to poor administration, the villagers demand that their village be excluded from Urban area and put back in Rural area,” Aijaz told Kashmir Reader, adding that he will raise their issues at appropriate level to seek their redressal.
The local youth of the village said that they hope Er Aijaz Hussain will seek redressal of their grievance.
” Our village falls under municipality jurisdiction but the concerned municipality committee is doing no development work,”a local resident told Kashmir Reader.
Another resident said that they face shortage of potable water in the area.

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