‘Follow teachings of Hazrat Mir Sayed Ali Hamdani (RA)’

‘Follow teachings of Hazrat Mir Sayed Ali Hamdani (RA)’

Srinagar: Mirwaiz-i-Kashmir Mohammad Umar Farooq , who continues to be under House arrest paid rich tributes to the revered saint and the founder of Islam in Kashmir Hazrat Ameer-e-Kabeer Meer Sayed Ali Hamadani (RA) popularly known as Shah-e-Hamdan on his annual festival.
Mirwaiz said that Shah-e-Hamdan (RA) was a not only a great scholar and a religious leader but also a philosopher, writer and traveller. He said that Shah-e-Hamdaan was an intellectual of high repute who contributed much for mobilization of Islamic faith through his teachings, publications, and personal propagation. Mirwaiz said that Ameer Kabeer spent his life in propagating Islam and undertook several extensive tours through difficult terrains and over hazardous routes to persuaded thousands of people to embrace Islam.
In a statement issued here, Mirwaiz said it was because of the efforts of the Ameer Kabeer that people of Kashmir embraced the greatest religion of Islam forever. Mirwaiz said the teachings of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani did not spread only the word of Allah, but he also brought with his art, craft, skills and industry which boosted the economy of Kashmir and brought economic revolution. He said due to those skills and crafts Kashmiris earned global fame for hundreds of years.
Mirwaiz urged people of Kashmir to follow the footsteps of the great saint to get closer to the Almighty Allah and his beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as that’s the best way to show our affiliation and respect to the great scholar.

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