Soup : A healthy liquid diet, one should not miss in winters

Soup : A healthy liquid diet, one should not miss in winters

Soups are as old as the history of cookingand it has originated from china.It is believed that humans have been making soup for at least 20,000 years. In Xianrendong cave, the ancient pottery showed signs of scorch marks which mention pot must have been used for making hot soup. In the old times when hoarding of various ingredients was impossible, various ingredients were put in a pot to boil which was not only cheap but filling too. Our ancient ancestors would fill the pots with meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and herbs, then boil the contents over hot rocks to make broth.
When waterproof containers were discovered soup forming became easier. Watery gruel is the true origin of soup, cereals would be roasted and ground to paste then cooked. The word soup derives from Latin word ‘suppa’, which means bread soaked in broth. It was known in the 1600s by the French ‘soupe’. The word is also known in Proto-Germanic language as ‘sup’, which refers ‘to make liquid’. Soups were introduced in restaurants in 18thcentury at Paris as reported by historians.Soup is a liquid diet, generally served hot or we can say it is a broth that is infused with flavour. Soups are prepared by combining ingredients with stock of mutton or chicken , it can be prepared also by stock of vegetables.
Soup is a food when it is thicker, or with things in it, and you eat it with a spoon.Soups are perfect easy, satisfying, no-frills dinner usually lovedduring cold season for some warmth, sustenance and comfort. A soup may be the first course intended just to whet the appetite, it may be one of the many dishes served at the same time or it may be a hearty meal in a bowl. They are more liquid than most foods help with the hydration especially in winter when water intake is low. A good source of fibre and proteins and low in calories. The improvement in agricultural practices , availability of better equipment and different seasoning herbs improved the quality, flavour and taste of soups. Soups are mainly of three basic types; Thick Soups , Thin Soup and Cream soup. Homemade soups are inexpensive and a healthier option for our good health in comparison to the soups purchased from the market. Soup making is an easy process, initially we make the stock for the soup by boiling vegetables, chicken,beef or fish,seasoning and herbs. Then strain the stock and remove the bones,vegetables or herbs. One can add small chunks of lean meat,fish,chicken or alternatives such as beans,lentils,chickpeas,tofu or raw whisked eggs. Cooked whole grains such as barley,quinoa, brown rice or whole grain pasta can also be added to the soup as per taste. For making it more healthy, nutritious use more vegetables and fresh herbs in the soup. The different soups that can be prepared easily at home are Meat and Vegetable soup, Tomato soup, Black bean soup, pea soup, Chicken and vegetable soup, Corn and mushroom soup.
Soups with added calories can be made for underweight people by adding milk or cream to it, that also adds to its consistency and taste.. Soups made with beans and lean meats provide protein, fiber. Tomatoes add lycopene content , an antioxidant that helps to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, according to Penn State University. Vegetables in soup contain many vitamins, such as A and C. Cream soups supply calcium and vitamin D.Studies found that people who ate soups had higher intake of fibre, vitamin A, magnesium, iron and potassium and overall they got more servings of vegetables. The main health benefits of taking soups are that they add a variety to the diet by incorporating the blend of veggies and non-veggies in appropriate blended forms which adds to the balanced diet plan. Soups are inexpensive and easy to make. Soups also add water content to the diet, hence keep you hydrated. Besides it includes a variety of food items making it a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, minerals and essential vitamins that enhance our immune system and make us healthy. If one is feeling chilly during the winter season of Kashmir ingredients like ginger, cloves, saffron can be added to the soup which makes wonders in warming you up. Soups have a good satiety value so it makes one feel fuller for long so consuming soups keep hunger at bay. Research has shown that soup eaters have good body mass indexes (BMI), and help lose weight faster. Soups help to ease symptoms of cold, it helps to ease upper respiratory inflammation.Researchers say that people who ate soup had better diet‐quality, in terms of fiber, vitamin A, magnesium, iron and potassium. Some studies state that taking thin or clear soups before lunch helped people naturally cut 134 calories out of their entire meal. Soups being rich in fiber helps in rectifying intestinal bowel movement, aids in digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients.Regular intake of soups prepared from vegetables reduces flatulence, other gastrointestinal troubles. Chicken or mutton soups being a good source of vitamin D and calcium fortifies the bones and makes our skeletal structure strong and healthy. Such soups are good for the proper bone development and growth in children. Its rightly said, “Soup is a lot like a family, each ingredient enhances the others, each batch has its own characteristics; and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavour”.

—Dr Poonam Sharma , Dr Afsah Iqbal Nahvi and Dr QuraazahAkeemu Amin. Division of FST ; SKUAST –K

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