Srinagar: Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry while thanking the Srinagar district administration for announcing the staggered opening of markets has cautioned the business community and the general public to take all precautions before venturing out to open business establishments or to make purchases.
It said that Srinagar district being a declared Red Zone was facing an extremely serious and grim situation. “There was no scope for lowering of guard and it was not only the responsibility of the administration but also of the civil society to exercise utmost caution. Any incident of a spike or spread would indefinitely shut down not only the markets but also pose a fatal risk to the vulnerable sections of the community especially our loved ones being our elders and children and those with weak immune systems,” the statement said.
The KCCI has requested people to kindly avoid unnecessary movement to the commercial areas as the basic idiom of “Stay Home Stay Alive” is still the best advice.
“In addition, measures like keeping a safe distance of two metres, frequent washing of hands, proper wearing of N195 Masks, avoiding touching of eyes, nose and mouth, avoiding touching unsafe surfaces had proven to greatly reduce the chances of getting infected. Please take them seriously as mistakes can be dangerous and inflict heavy costs for the whole community,” it reads.
“Business establishments are advised to ensure regular sanitization of their premises and also ensure that their employees and customers follow the prescribed protocols. The administration now having played it role, it was the responsibility of the business community, the civil society and family elders to go through the guidelines and ensure that this does not turn into another circus only with very serious ramifications,” the statement added.