Without caring for their life, police perform their thankless duty

Without caring for their life, police perform their thankless duty

Mohammad Shoaib

Police have to play a multifarious role in society. Police is the first institution that people approach in case of any crime or emergency or if a wrong is done against someone. Police are the administrative machinery of the government charged with the preservation of public order and tranquility, the promotion of public health, safety, and morals. To uphold and enforce the law impartially and to protect life, liberty, property and dignity of the members of the public, is the sworn duty of the police.
If we turn the pages of history, we will find that police have worked tirelessly to keep society free from crime and mal-practices. Whether in ancient times or medieval, there was always a police department in all the kingdoms and under all the dynasties. Their role was to maintain law and order, prevent and investigate crime.
The main duty of police is to deliver justice to all, and safeguard especially the weaker section of society. The police are indispensable. Whenever there has been any crisis in our society, police have been at the forefront of providing help, whether it was the 2014 floods, the frequent unrests, lockdowns, and now this ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
Police have to face multiple challenges even in normal situations, and more so in crisis situations. They have to work at times without caring for their own lives. In this internet-driven world they are now accountable to everyone. The police have vital roles to play in responding to a crisis situation such as this, as they are the first responders and have to provide safety and security for the community. The police in Jammu and Kashmir today are working tirelessly to keep a check on the movement of people to stop the spread of this pandemic. In the process, they are exposing themselves to greater risk of infection. After doctors and health workers, police are the most prone to this infection.
People must understand the role of police and they must cooperate with them. If highly educated persons in our society will not follow the instructions and advisories of the government, then how can we expect other people to be sober and law abiding. Spare the rod and spoil the child would have to be put in practice then.
The biggest challenge police are facing right now is to enforce lockdowns, to trace those who have concealed their travel history and bypassed screening tests. Sometimes police have to face mob attacks, with people resorting to stone-pelting. Undaunted, police have been going to all parts of the valley to carry out awareness drives on Covid-19 and the importance of the lockdown in containing the spread of the virus. Police are making utmost efforts to provide all needful services to people in this hour of crisis. It would be good on the part of common people to not attack the police that are working day and night in public interest. There may be some lacunae in our work but forming opinions about us on the basis of fake reports, rumours, and social media slander is not the way to bring positive changes in the system. Constructive criticism is good but denial and repudiation of our constructive work will only demoralise and derail our efforts.

The writer is a probationary Sub-Inspector posted at DPL Anantnag

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