In an unprecedented move, Bollywood actor and BJP Lok Sabha MP from Gujarat, Paresh Rawal has stirred a controversy when he said that instead of a stone pelter, author and activist Arundhati Roy should be tied to an Army jeep. The National award winner actor took to Twitter on Sunday night to express his views.
Instead of tying stone pelter on the army jeep tie Arundhati Roy!
— Paresh Rawal (@SirPareshRawal) May 21, 2017
Paresh Rawal’s comment came in wake of the last month’s video which went viral showing civilian tied to a jeep in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.
Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Omar Abdullah had last month tweeted the video of a civilian tied to an army jeep as a human shield. The video instantly went viral drawing criticism from various quarters of the society.
However, many politicians including Punjab Chief Minister has hailed the army officer who had used the civilian as the human shield.
Meanwhile, the civilian namely Farooq Ahmad Dar is reportedly facing acute stress disorder after the incident.
Pertinently, the army had formed an enquiry committee to probe the incident and an FIR was filed in the local police station. The state government has also ordered a probe into the incident.
Arundhati Roy is a booker prize winner writer, who has constantly supported the Kashmir cause and is a staunch critic of the Narendra Modi-led government and its policies at the centre.
Meanwhile, in response to the tweet, Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh said that
@SirPareshRawal Why not the person who stitched PDP/BJP alliance ?
— digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) May 22, 2017