Art has become a commodity, an extremely expensive one: Michiel Van der Wal

Art has become a commodity, an extremely expensive one: Michiel Van der Wal

A law student in the Netherlands moved to New York to ‘look at art’, and there he developed an eye that collectors blindly trust in Michiel Van Der Wal is a Dutch art curator who helps collectors acquire art. Originally from Netherlands, he has been a part of the New York art industry for more […]

Elementary lessons for a teacher

Elementary lessons for a teacher

Being a teacher, I would like to chip in with some ideas to make the teaching and learning process more effective. Firstly, a teacher should feel blessed to have the job of imparting education. An all-round education consists of learning, knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Education teaches people how to reason and “how to […]

Repercussions of a Political Vacuum

Repercussions of a Political Vacuum

In the disputed Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, there is a political vacuum since June 2018. It was then that the poles-apart coalition of BJP and PDP came tumbling down like a pack of cards. No new Legislative Assembly elections were held and the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir went under Governor’s rule. […]

Teachers not to blame for state of govt schools

Teachers not to blame for state of govt schools

For many years now it has been observed that the performance of private schools is much better than government schools. Everyone criticises government teachers and the government school system. On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, the principal secretary, school education department, expressed anguish over the poor performance of government schools. He said, “Why can’t the […]

India’s stake in ‘Naya’ Afghanistan

India’s stake in ‘Naya’ Afghanistan

India’s presence in the recently-commenced intra-Afghan peace talks signals that she wants to play a meaningful role in a post-war Afghanistan, but there remain hurdles in that path. It is not often that a war-torn country gets a golden opportunity to turn the clock back. The intra-Afghan peace talks aim at no less than ending […]

Pakistan’s growing hatred of Shias

Pakistan’s growing hatred of Shias

In 2015, Fatima Bhutto, niece of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, wrote that in a predominantly Muslim country (of Pakistan), it is no longer Hindus or Christians who face the largest threat of violence from orthodox and radicalised groups but Shias. Her prophetic words became once again true when recently a large crowd of […]

Gantz Escalates Israel’s War on the Dead

Gantz Escalates Israel’s War on the Dead

On September 2, the Israeli government approved a proposal that allows the military to indefinitely withhold the bodies of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli army. The proposal was made by the country’s Defense Minister, Benny Gantz. Gantz is the main political rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He also serves the role […]

Article 370 is gone, live with it

Article 370 is gone, live with it

A year has passed since the decision which was justified as “rectifying a historical blunder” and as paving the way for prosperity, peace, and development in Jammu & Kashmir. For some reason, I still can’t stop thinking why it actually happened. A lot of eyebrows were raised at this move, but notwithstanding all the criticism […]

The philosophy of Tableegi Jamaat

The philosophy of Tableegi Jamaat

Tableegi Jamaat is an organisation of preachers founded in 1926 in India by the scholar Muhammad Ilythaas Al Kandlawi. It was established with the purpose of reviving Islamic religion in its true and pure form. The slogan of the society is, “Become True Muslims”. The Tableegi Jamat now operates across the world with centers in […]

What philosophers can bring to government

What philosophers can bring to government

In this post-truth world, what we all need is truth. We and our leaders must be truth-seekers. Gerald R Ford, the 38th US President, rightly said while taking the oath of office that truth is the glue that holds the government together. Mahatma Gandhi, who fought tooth and nail without violence, always adhered to truth. […]