LG, Others Greet People On Diwali

LG, Others Greet People On Diwali

Jammu: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has greeted the people on the auspicious occasion of Deepawali. In a message, the Lt Governor said: “On the joyous occasion of Deepawali, I convey my warm greetings and good wishes to all the citizens”.
“Deepawali, the festival of lights, is an occasion to share joy and festivity across all faiths and cultures. The Diyas of Deepawali signify the end of ignorance, triumph of good over evil, hope over despair, and inspire us to fight the darkness in all spheres of life.
May this Deepawali usher in prosperity and happiness to all and illuminate the path of progress and well being,” the Lt Governor said.
Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar in his greeting message, Advisor Bhatnagar said that this festival symbolises victory of good over evil and persuades us to fight darkness in all spheres of life.
The Advisor added that this ‘Festival of Lights’ will strengthen the bonds of friendship and communal harmony among the people of our great country for which we are known across the globe.
The Advisor also prayed for peace, progress and prosperity of entire Jammu and Kashmir.
Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta also extended his good wishes to the people on the eve of Diwali.
In his message, the Chief Secretary said that Diwali is an occasion that serves to remove darkness and ignorance from our lives and fill it with positivity and enthusiasm. It is an occasion to eradicate evil from our society and embrace virtuous life style. People come together for its celebrations irrespective of caste or class of the society and it is an integral part of our culture.
He maintained that the national festivals like Diwali have played a vital role in promoting solidarity, national unity and love and friendship amongst the people.
He prayed that this Diwali be celebrated by the people with renewed joy, enthusiasm and hope. He observed that the festival of Diwali should inspire us to follow the path of righteousness and share our joy with our fellow citizens. He wished the people of J&K good health, prosperity and happiness.

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