In every man, there is a woman. In every woman, there is a man. Together, they make for a complete human being. Men often give forth the whiff of feminine energy, as in the case of caring for the other, turning emotional, showing empathy, and so on. Women seldom emit masculine qualities as in exhibiting gumption, marching forward with furious eyes, confronting the fearful, and so forth.
As humans of the ‘highest order’, we leave no stone unturned to unnerve the contra-principled feminine qualities in men and masculine in women. We declare men are supposed to be ever-formidable and possess stone-esque hardness in daily affairs of life. We stressfully reiterate that women must wriggle themselves off from the occasional emergence of audacity and boldness. These two sentences, however, have wreaked havoc on the deepest layers of our self. And it’s here where we welcome the consequences of playing with cosmic intelligence.
We often witness men suffering from the ever-welcoming depression. When we have to focus on being able to tackle slings and arrows of time head-on sans displaying anything emotional, we are bound to downplay what lurks deeply within us: softness, the whole feminine energy. We often run into women reeling under the ever-present infirm stances, fits of feminine hysterical outbursts, and ending up repressing intense masculine inclinations. This constant denial of exhibiting the minority in us remains one of the prime reasons for our varied psychological diseases.
Balance, that is. This is not to say that we must sweep aside what’s dominant in us: masculine in men and feminine in women. But we must recognize that we possess both, and we have to pay attentive homage to them. It’s like a machine that prints swathes of pages. We must attend to both the quality of the pages and the ink.
Postscript: Before you consider this piece a stark hogwash, try scouring for mentally disturbed human beings, delving into the roots of their psychological sickness, and reflecting on them. You will discover they repress emotions and dispositions, resulting in neuroticism.
The writer enjoys seclusion and surfs the web. Always. He can be reached at [email protected]