CJ Visits Makes Maiden Visit To Sgr HC

Srinagar: days after taking oath, Chief Justice Nongmei kapam Kotiswar Singh on Tuesday paid a maiden visit to the Srinagar Wing of the High Court of J&K and Ladakh.
On his arrival, warm and cordial welcome was accorded to the Chief Justice by all the officers and officials of the Srinagar Wing. The Chief Justice was received at the High Court Complex by the Registrar General, besides other officers of the Registry on his arrival.
A guard of honor was presented to the visiting dignitary who later on had a detailed interaction with both the gazetted and the non-gazetted staff of the High Court. He asked the employees to extend all the courtesy and possible help to the litigant public. Accompanied by his companion Judges, the Chief Justice paid visit to the High Court Complex and took briefing about the infrastructural facilities existing in the High Court.

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