Pahari Tribe ST Forum hails GOI for fulfilling its commitments towards them

RAJOURI: Pahari Tribe ST Forum this has been announced as the first phase of Dhanyawad Yatra that ex- presses gratitude to GOI lead by PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah for fulfilling the commitment of ren- dering due ST status to Pahari Tribe. The inaugural activity started from the Budhal area of Peer Panchal region and the same shall move from all the 30 blocks of Rajouri Poonch twin districts. Delegates in one voice hailed the efforts of the present Government led by Modi ji who took landmark- ing decisions for the upliftment and empowerment of downtrodden marginalized Pahari Tribe that was struggling for justice for more than 40 years. DDC member from Thanamandi Qayoom Mir presided the inaugural programme, stage was conducted by Manzoor Naik while prominent Ex- ecutive Members of PT ST FORUM who were present included Adv. Ashan Mirza, Vikrant Sharma, Adv Gurdev Thakur, Hamid Malik, Shakti Sharma, Bharat Vaid, Munir Mirza, Zahid Khan, Ayub Pehalwan, Jahagir Khan, Aftab Tantray, Ahmad Khan, Nisar Mirza, Sanjeev Sharma, Sohail Malik (DDC Surankot), Adv. Aftab Ga- nai, Younis Naz, Nadeem Mir, Suneet Thakur and Surjeet Thakur. Members of PT ST Forum from Kashmir who joined the Dhanyawad Yatra include Imtiaz Ahmed Khan, Mohd. Yakoob Khan, Sayed Akhter Hussain Bukhari, Bilal Turki, Sohail Khan and Bashir Khan. Those prominent who were pres- ent included Nasir Mohd., Nasir Thakkar, Kabir Rather, Ahmed Din, Naser Qayum, Munshi Khan, Master Soba Singh, Shabir Kamlak, Mohd. Iqbal, Zahid Sagar, Rashid Shaheen, Mohd Shabir, Kala Khan, Suresh Ku- mar, Raja Mohd Latif, Ghafoor Qazi, Mohd. Taj, Mohd. Hussain Sarogia, Sher Mohd. and many more.

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