On Nonsense

On Nonsense

We have been discussing so many issues screwing us up badly. Societal issues, economic issues, political issues and so on. Little do we pay heed to an issue which we deem not worth speaking about: nonsensical issues.
All the other issues have a cure, but this beast, that doesn’t make sense, seems to have arrived for a forever stay, and we seem to have welcomed it with a garland of red flowers. Whenever we try to talk or think something over consciously, we hug the beast in an instant. And it keeps on hugging us, and we keep on holding on to it.
There are so many instances where we exhibit our real connection with the beast. Counterblasts. A hysterical remark. Screaming as a typical brat. Becoming judges without taking the trouble to take account of what makes others so-and-so. Making of a fort to defend our most cherished entity: nonsense. And the list is endless.
We have let rationality die a silent death. Logical conclusions and making use of our mind is deadwood. No space for mind to run its course. We pat our mind numb in case it goes against stuff which has become a norm. We make the neurons too weak that they can’t dare to send chills down our spine on account of our speaking stuff smashing someone’s heart to smithereens.
If we were to conjure up the picture of how much energy is wasted (and how many real issues remain unattended) in this romance of nonsense-play, we would be scared to know of the outcome.
To make the matters worse, there is yet another side of the beast and screwed-up ourselves. In case a person reaches to the point of knowing what nonsense has to offer, the person ends up hugging it even more. As a result, there arises an ugly need to give ourselves a high, and this game of getting constant highs is what makes the beast even stronger to resist. A case fit to cry seas upon.
We would have become the best creatures on earth had we dared to think maturely and given the beast no possibility to occupy our mind, heart, mouth, and what not.
There is an urgent need to think nonsense over and welcome back the long-forgotten rationality with a garland of purple, pink, blue, and red roses.

The writer enjoys seclusion and surfs the web. Always. [email protected]

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