Islam disapproves of late marriages

Islam disapproves of late marriages

Allah’s laws for His creatures include pairing. In the case of man, Allah has set him apart from the rest of His creation by providing him with an appropriate structure by which he can keep his dignity and honour, as well as his esteem, through legal Nikkah. A system like this ensures that a man and woman’s relationship is built on mutual respect and consent. Nikkah is one of the Islamic laws to which the Prophet (pbuh) encouraged the youth, saying: “Young people! Whoever of you can afford marriage, let him get married, for marriage helps restrain the senses and preserves their chastity. He who cannot afford it, let him observe fasting, for fasting is a deterrent.”
Marriage is the most effective way of meeting sexual demands while avoiding diseases associated with them. It aids both husband and wife in maintaining a sense of security, self-satisfaction, and dignity. Marriage is a sacred commitment between two people. However, there are many misconceptions about marriage among Muslim parents. When it comes to their young ones, Muslim parents believe that their children should only marry if they acquire suitable employment, but they don’t know that they are placing their children in danger by postponing marriages unnecessarily.
We are currently living in the Dajjal era. The current culture is intrinsically hostile to the family system. One of the new generation’s difficulties is the unnecessarily long time it takes for them to marry. Muslim youth fall prey to sins such as dating, Valentine’s Day celebrations, masturbation, and watching pornographic films as a result of late marriages. Marriage serves as a moral barrier, allowing men and women to lower their gaze. Many causes contribute to this social problem, but the most significant contributor is the neglect of Muslim parents.
We must not undervalue the importance of delaying our Muslim youth’s marriages. Not surprisingly, recent social scientific studies and statistics show that postponing marriage causes significant biological and psychological harm. Muslim parents who defer their sons and daughters’ marriages should be aware that their children may be vulnerable to such damage. Long before social science specialists of our day, Islamic thinkers recognised the value of marriage. This is because the Quran warns Muslims against postponing weddings excessively.
Islam recognizes that adolescence is a difficult time for both boys and girls. Delaying young men’s and women’s weddings wastes a lot of their creative energies, and their concentration is distracted from fighting their sexual cravings. Marriage is the most acceptable option since it directs those young people’s creative efforts in the appropriate direction. We must not believe the current notion that marriage inhibits young men and women from getting the best education possible. Marriage instils a sense of responsibility in young people and provides them with the mental focus they need to pursue the highest level of education or profession in their life.
Islam urges men and women to enter into a sacred marriage partnership. Marriage is a social commitment in Islam. However, just thinking about marriage today conjures up images of all the inconveniences, stress, and costs associated with the event. Many parents believe that if their adolescent son or daughter does not ask them to marry him or her right away, it means they do not see the need for it. However, not every young Muslim girl or boy is as forthright with their parents as to say, “Enough is enough, now get me married.”
Modern culture has instilled in the minds of parents and youngsters alike the belief that young people must complete their education to the highest degree possible at a university, then save a large sum of money to purchase a home, and only then marry. That’s why Islam gives a clear message about getting married as soon as possible because it saves both boys and girls from the biggest sins.

The writer is a PhD scholar at Central University of Kashmir. [email protected]

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