Budgam: As per the directions of Hon’ble the Chief Justice High Court of J&K and Ladakh, the first ever Coordination Meeting of various stakeholder of justice delivery system for District Budgam was held today at District Court Complex Budgam. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Mohammad Ashraf Malik, Principal District & Sessions Judge and was attended by Dr Nasir Ahmad ADC Budgam, Tahir Saleem SSP Budgam, Mohammad Ashraf Bhat Executive Engineer R&B Division Budgam, Ab. Rashid AEE PDD Budgam, Gh. Mustafa Bhat S.O PDD Budgam.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ways and means for rendering of timely justice to the litigants, infrastructure and other issues faced by the Judicial institution in district Budgam. Mohammad Ashraf Malik Principal District & Sessions Judge Budgam emphasized upon the participants for streamlining the coordination between the Courts and other stakeholders for developing and improving the judicial system and urged them to render their valuable assistance pertaining to justice delivery system besides judicial infrastructure matters.
It is pertinent to mention here that Hon’ble the Chief Justice High Court of J&K and Ladakh had on 14-07-2021 issued directions to all the Districts of J&K and Ladakh to have periodical Coordination Meetings at the end of each quarter to discuss issues concerning ways and means for effective, efficient and timely rendering of justice to the litigants, the infrastructural and other difficulties or issues faced by the judicial institutions at all levels in the District.
The agenda of the meeting was already drafted a week before and circulated among the participants by Mr. Malik Shabir Ahmad CJM Budgam who acts as Secretary of the Coordination Committee for District Budgam. The meeting was also attended by Fozia Paul Secretary District Legal Services Authority Budgam who was co-opted as a member in the meeting by the Principal District & Sessions Judge Budgam. Further minutes of meeting and the resolution passed in the meeting was recorded in the Minutes Book specifically maintained for that purpose and signed by all the participants, which would also be shared with the participants for its effective follow up in an action oriented manner. The meeting concluded with thanks to the chair.