Reopening of colleges on odd-even basis: A solution only in name

Reopening of colleges on odd-even basis: A solution only in name

Colleges reopened in Kashmir division from 15th Feb after a long break of 11 months on odd-even basis. It brought cheers on the faces of students and teachers who were missing face-to-face interactions. Though the teaching and learning process has started, it has created chaos as well. Students miss half of the lectures per week and lose track. There is no coherence and continuity, which is creating problems of disinterest and is adding to the mental burden. Teachers and students are equally uncertain about the effectiveness of the odd-even method. They complain that online teaching was much better; at least there was continuity. No doubt this is done to help contain the spread of Covid 19 and to ensure SOPs in colleges but the question is, if only 50% students are allowed to sit in class, why isn’t the same followed in coaching centres? Above hundred students sit there in one hall at a time without any physical distancing or use of sanitisers .Many students don’t even wear masks. Why there is no check on such coaching centres that put lives of hundreds of students at risk? There is equal chance of community transmission there. Who will be held responsible? The government needs to keep check on such coaching centres that violate SOPs and the government must also look for other alternatives.
One other concern is the absence of restrictions and checks on overloaded buses and Sumo taxis. Why is the problem of social distancing only in colleges? At least every student is provided a separate seat there.
In this pandemic, teachers need to take active steps to keep the engine of education moving. They should record their lectures and send it on WhatsApp groups daily so that the students at home don’t miss the lectures. This will save them from academic loss. Besides, teachers need to come up with innovative strategies to help students compensate the academic loss. They should take pains to help students in this difficult time. They should be available to students via calls/ social networks to help them clear their doubts and to facilitate their learning process.
It is high time to realise that we may have to live with Covid for quite a while. We need to accept Covid as the new normal and we should take each and every precautionary measure like wearing masks, using sanitisers, and checking temperature of staff and students. We should, however, carry on with our routine life and the teaching-learning process as we used to. It is time to shun unrealistic apprehensions. We have to step out of our homes. We can’t rely on e-learning only. Face-to-face classroom learning is a must for all-round development of students. It gives them social connectedness and a conducive learning environment. Home can never be a substitute for classroom. Wherever there is a dearth of classrooms, waterproof tents or sheds should be set up to ensure safe and hassle-free access to quality education.
Our new generation has already suffered the worst academic loss due to frequent curfews, shutdown and turmoil, be it in 2008, 2010, 2016, 2019 and the Covid lockdown of 2020. We cannot afford more losses. Our youth have to compete at national and international level for which the key is face-to-face teaching-learning environment. Schools and colleges are places for learning social participation, and healthy personality development. They prepare youth for life beyond classrooms.

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