Programme IRTIQA held at SKUAST’s Fisheries Faculty

Ganderbal: Under the aegis of National Agricultural Higher Educational Project (NAHEP) a day long Orientation programme for freshly admitted students for undergoing BFSc was organized at Faculty of Fisheries, SKUAST-K here at Rangil on Thursday
The programme was attended by Director Education, Prof. M.H. Balki, Dean Students Welfare, Prof. M.A.A Siddiqui, Associate Director Research and Coordinator NAHEP, Prof. A.A. Khan, Head of various divisions of the faculty, Student welfare officers of various faculties, scientists and the students of the faculty.
Director Education and Dean Faculty, Prof. M.H. Balki in his address impressed upon the students to be disciplined and transform themselves to be useful for the society.
Dean Students Welfare, Prof M.A.A Sidiqui in his address highlighted the importance of the Dean students welfare wing and the different mandates of the varsity.
Associate Director Research, Prof. A.A. Khan spoke on the contribution of the faculty of fisheries for SKUAST-K in getting the 9th rank at national level among agricultural universities. He hailed the efforts of the teaching faculty for quality teaching, Research and Extension service
Later a competitive cultural and entertainment programme was held and the first three winners among the students were felicitated by momentous and cash rewards.
Earlier, Dr Mudasir Manzoor Kirmaini organizing secretary of the event gave a brief presentation of the programme and thanked the Director Education, Dean students welfare and NAHEP for their support in organizing the programme at the faculty

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