Pulwama: Eight persons were booked in Pulwama for violating quarantine protocol after they fled red zones. Tehsildar Pulwama said that they received information from field staff about the eight persons staying at Ameerabad in Tral who had fled from Parigam and Qazigund villages in Pulwama, which had been declared red zones. He said they were traced and put into quarantine centre at Hamdard Grammar School Tral and were booked under section 269 IPC( unlawfully or negligently doing something which is likely to spread infection of any dangerous disease to life), section 270 IPC ( malignant act likely to spread infection of dangerous disease to life), section 271 IPC (knowingly disobeying any quarantine rule) and section 188 IPC (for disobeying any government orders). DM warned of stern action against anyone violating the orders. He said that there would be zero tolerance against the people endangering the lives of others. He said that violating government orders shall invoke penal action and prosecution proceedings shall be initiated.