Coronavirus Scare MS GMC Baramulla urges people not to create panic

BARAMULLA: The Medical Superintendent (MS) associated hospital Government Medical College (GMC) Baramulla on Wednesday said that they have established several isolation rooms and wards in GMC Baramulla for any emergency and urged people not to create panic. In a press conference at GMC Baramulla, Dr Syeed Masood Ahmad appealed people to be alert and not to create panic. He said, “People are purchasing masks on high rates and some people are providing duplicate sanitisers to people in the market. There is no need of wear masks. One can use handkerchief and other cloths after proper wash to cover mouth, but one should wash your hands several times in day to avoid the infection.” He appealed people to contact doctors in case of symptoms. He said we have not received a single patient such virus, but people should cooperate with administration and those who recently have come back from middle east, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other effected countries should inform us and should visit our centres for check-up. Dr Masood said that teams of doctors are ready 24×7 at GMC Baramulla for any emergency.

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