Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday refused to condemn the “human shield” incident in Budgam district where a civilian was tied to an Army jeep and paraded for over five hours, triggering outrage in the Valley, The Hindu reported.
Rajnath Singh, while speaking at a press conference on completion of three years of NDA government, clearly refused to condemn the human shield incident. He said that he endorses with Information and Broadcasting Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu’s view.
Venkaiah Naidu had voiced “total agreement” with Army chief Gen. Bipin Rawat’s statement that the “dirty war” in Jammu and Kashmir has to be fought through innovative ways.
Gen. Rawat had strongly defended the use of a Kashmiri man as a ‘human shield’ by a young Army officer last month.
“He (Naidu) was not wrong. Sometimes it’s not possible to answer these questions in a yes or no, there is a third option as well,” Mr. Singh said while replying to a question by The Hindu on whether he condemned the human shield incident.