Hours after Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, filed a complaint against a woman journalist of a New Delhi based news channel, police has registered an FIR against the journalist.
Police sources said that they have registered an FIR No. 30/2017 under section 448 RPC (house trespass) in police station Maisuma.
Earlier, Malik said he has filed a complaint before police against a woman journalist for “breaching his privacy and carrying out a sting operation”.
A lawyer said that if the accused journalist is proven guilty in the court, she shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.
“Is this journalism? A woman journalist lied to my sister that she had sought an appointment for an interview and barged into my bedroom. She started video recording with her mobile, which annoyed me following which I snatched her phone. She created a scene and has alleged that he manhandled her, which is very unfortunate,” Malik said in a press conference.
Malik said he filed a complaint against the reporter for “breaching the privacy of a person”.
He dared the media to prove whether he has bought any property in the name of the freedom struggle.
“I have a two-room house in Maisuma, which belongs to my mother. I don’t have any property anywhere,” Malik said.