Physical challenges have never stopped the 35-year-old international chess player Rajinder Singh, from achieving what others could not. Rajinder, a physically challenged person hailing from Gadapora hamlet of South Kashmir’s Tral area has represented India at various tournaments and his quest to achieve excellence has never stopped.
Pertinently, it was on 7th July 1999, that Rajinder’s foot slipped in his washroom and as a result he received spinal cord injury (Qualpleda / Parapelga). From this day onwards Singh’s feet have not moved.
But being a sports enthusiast, he always kept his hopes alive and dreamt of making it big.
“I never let my physical weakness overpower my will power. I tried to cross all the barriers in my life and tried to fulfil my dreams,” he said.
Rajinder, through sheer grit and hard work managed to learn chess and as a result he became part of the national team of chess players.
Rajinder was part of SAARC chess championship 2016 in which 430 players, 200 coaches and officials participated. The event was held last year in Jammu, where he represented India.
In SAARC chess championship, he lost his game in quarter final against his opponent hailing from Maldives.
“It was a wonderful and unforgettable chess event for me. There I tried to play my best game. Unfortunately, I did not finish with winning the title,” but it was a moment of pride for me,” he said.
In this year’s State chess Championship that was held at Indoor stadium Srinagar organised by J&K chess association (JKCA), Rajinder lost his game in fourth round of the championship. In this championship, JKCA honoured him with chess loving person award.
“In our state we need to promote chess among budding chess players with advanced and new international technology,” Rajinder said.
Besides sportsmen, Rajinder is a vivid social activist. He has received Maadr-e-Meharban award in 2014 year.