Hitting out at Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti for her statement that Narender Modi only can resolve Kashmir dispute, MLA Langate Er. Rasheed has asked CM “not to make herself laughing stock’’ asking her to explain if Narandra Modi has agreed to “right to self determination to resolve the Kashmir dispute.”
Er. Rasheed, as per the statement issued today, was addressing a public meeting at Kukroosa Handwara. He said that “it seems Modi has promised Mehbooba to resolve Kashmir dispute Gujrat way, where he butchered thousands of Muslims and silenced Muslims first in Gujrat and now is successfully doing it everywhere in India.”
“It is strange while every BJP leader from Seemari to Kanya Kumari is calling every Kashmiri a Pakistani agent and Narandra Modi is refusing even to speak a word on the political dispute, Mehbooba Mufti is begging for talks which have no meaning except maintaining status-quo.” the statement added.
As per the statement Er. Rasheed has rejected the “propaganda of Indian media regarding concern being shown by Syed Ali Geelani over Army good will schools and said that “Kashmiri’s don’t need lectures from Indian Media and communal think tanks regarding education. “ There are best private schools being run by various religious and social organisations all over state where people can enroll their children for quality education.”