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Saturday, October 19, 2024

My Letter To Teenagers: Teenage is a transformational period of life that shapes us into adults

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My dear teenagers,

I am writing this letter to you today hoping that you will be vigilant enough not only to save yourself from different dreadful addictions but also to abstain from various evil deeds that have wreaked havoc in our society. Before things get out of hand, we need to wake up and audit ourselves. If we don’t wake up now, we must repent tomorrow, no matter what. Remember, teenage years are the best years of one’s life because they make us who we want to be. But, how sad it is that we waste our precious time busying ourselves with futile activities that later make us regret them.

Teenage is a transformational period of life that shapes us into the adults we become. Though these years are full of stress and strain, they are life-making years. As teenagers, you must reflect on where you are heading. Your parents toil hard and go to great lengths to provide for you. They ensure that you have everything you need to be successful in life. But does that mean you should waste your time without concentrating on your studies? Your parents trust you, so keep their trust and study hard to live up to their expectations. As Paulo Coelho wisely said, one day there won’t be any more time to do the things that you have always wanted to do.

Dear teenagers, do not get caught up in the rat race. Your age is for learning and discovering new things. The adrenaline rush that you possess at this age should be used properly so that you can achieve new pinnacles of success in your life. This is the time to shape yourself into a good human being, make the most of every day, and live as if it were your last. This is the time to be compassionate enough to achieve your goals.

The reason I wrote this letter is to make you aware of the different types of addictions that have engulfed our society, deteriorating our moral values. To sustain Kashmir’s appellation as *Resh Vaer*, we ought to work zealously as youngsters. Whether it’s drug addiction, social media addiction, or fashion phobia, we must save ourselves from falling into the ditch of social evils any longer. Always filter what is coming toward you.

Please don’t chase after fashion. It’s very easy to do the same thing everyone else is doing, but do what you love, especially if nobody else is doing it. Don’t fall for what you see on social media. Constantly being caught up in social media is the biggest distraction we need to free ourselves from. It can be extremely alluring, but you know better how many ways it can deteriorate us by involving us eagerly. Stand up for what’s right, and always keep yourself busy with tasks that lead not only to a brighter and safer future but also guarantee true happiness.

Dear teenagers, the world and its people are beautiful. Learn more about people, faith, and resilience, and most importantly, about what you can truly achieve when you set your heart, mind, and every muscle in your body to it. Observe and learn as much as you can, and don’t be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Keep a timetable for your studies and strictly stick to books, gracing yourself with an abundance of knowledge. There are no better or more sincere friends than books. They never deceive you. Remember, every timetable works well when *Namaz* is offered five times a day.

Teenage is also the time when your body changes a lot more than you expect it to. It’s nothing to feel ashamed of. Some of your friends might be ahead of you, but that does not make you defective. You’ll get there. Every flower blooms at its own time, remember? Listen to your body, take care of it, and don’t feel the need to force yourself to fit into the shape society wants you to be in. The experience, suffering, and pain you endure as a teenager will make you the adult you are going to become. It might seem cruel and unfair, but in the end, it will turn out to be one of the biggest gifts of your life, and you will remember these years forever.

Always remember the formula of ‘saluting spirituality, health, studies, and the future.’ Good health is wealth, undoubtedly. Keep fixed hours for sleep—at least 8 hours. Maintain healthy food habits and avoid junk food. Do not stick to cell phones all the time. These gadgets are for emergencies, not for gossiping. Move away from them for a few hours. Take a walk or play a game. It will boost your immunity. Study intensely to cultivate richer fruits. Remember, adventures have always been undertaken by people during their teenage years because, during this time, one is filled with adequate energy.

The ‘three trinities’—proper sleep, a good diet, and physical exercise—can help you achieve whatever you aspire to. Be like a rubber ball, flexible enough to bounce back in life, no matter what. Respect your parents and elders, and develop the art of gratitude in yourself. Always remember that your attitude determines your altitude. Cultivate the habit of reading and listening. Keep in mind that readers are the leaders of a nation, and good listeners become good speakers in society.

Learn from each other. Even the tiniest creature on Earth can teach you great lessons. Remember the ‘ant philosophy.’ Have a firm grip on the present. Keep sharpening your wit, and your future will automatically be brighter. Be like an ocean, ever full but never overflowing. Restore your calm, drown all your fears and flaws, and learn to absorb all the positivity around you.

Dear teenagers, time is like money—so valuable that it has no substitute. If you respect and value time, it will respect you in return. Do not follow the herd; try to carve your own path. Untrodden paths often lead to undiscovered lands. Be honest with yourself. You can’t cheat the world without cheating yourself first. Last but not least, just as the chaff is removed from the corn, so too must you discard your ego, which stands for ‘edging God out.’ Remember what the poet of the East, Dr Sir Mohammad Iqbal (RA), once advised his son, Javed Iqbal:

Haya Nahi Hai Zamaane Ki Aankh Me Baaqi,

Khuda Karre Rahay Teri Jawaani Baydaag

Yours sincerely,

Manzoor Akash


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