SAINT’S STORY - Rafiabad’s Legendary Mystic: The Enduring Legacy of Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA)

2:23 am October 14, 2024


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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

SAINT’S STORY – Rafiabad’s Legendary Mystic: The Enduring Legacy of Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA)

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The saint is the spiritual beacon of Sufi culture and pillar of faith in Rafiabad

Nestled within the tranquil surroundings of Nadihal, Rafiabad, stands the revered shrine of a towering Sufi figure Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA), affectionately known as Syed Malik Saeb. Believed to have originated from the ancient city of Bukhara, Iran; Syed Malik Bukhari (RA) epitomizes the profound Sufi culture that thrived for centuries. As a distinguished disciple of Ameer Kabeer Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (RA), his shrine resonates with tales of spiritual transcendence and miraculous occurrences.

The sanctity of the shrine transcends the physical realm, pulsating with the spiritual presence of Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA) and his esteemed disciple, Rahim Sahib. Legend has it that Rahim Sahib, renowned for his enchanting “Na’ants” drew his final breath in Srinagar. However, divine intervention manifested through a dream. It guided Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA) to instruct his disciple to be laid to rest beside him, within the sacred confines of the shrine.

Miracles are said to abound within these hallowed grounds, with scores of devotees attributing their blessings of parenthood to their pilgrimages. Barren couples, yearning for solace and divine intervention, flock to the shrine, often blessed with the gift of children through their fervent prayers. The annual Urs observed on the 8th of Rajab, summons devotees from distant lands, culminating in a night-long vigil infused with spiritual fervour and unwavering devotion.

The shrine serves as a beacon of faith, enveloped in reverence on Thursdays when devotees partake in the “Shub”, prayers from “Maghrib” to “Isha”. Within its sacred precincts lies “Baitul Zaireen”, a haven where devotees offer “Niyaz” year-round, expressing gratitude and seeking divine blessings.

Reflecting the profound impact of this sacred site on countless devotees, including my mother, I recall how in childhood she would take me along to the shrine to be either part of the yearly Urs when the custodians who run the Langer (a community kitchen) and take care of the shrine would organize Niyaz (a community feast) wherein all the locals from the adjoining villages like Syedpora, Ladoora, and Chakloo would take part reigniting the flame of unity, brotherhood, harmony and rekindling the bonds.

“Earlier the Langar of this shrine used to remain busy with the devotees who offered their obeisance every other day. The rush of people has now diminished”, an elderly devoted disciple named Jamal Kak, at the shrine, said. “Now, it is during Thursdays and Mondays, that a good number of devotees are seen visiting the shrine. It’s the Eti’qaad (Belief) that brings people here. But one thing is clear, that the devotees’ huge rush unlike in the past has declined,” Jamal Kak added.

The sacred tradition of “Mundan” (the act of shaving child’s head) locally referred to as “Zarr Kasene”, not only symbolizes spiritual purification, as families bring their children to receive the blessings of Syed Malik Bukhari (RA) but it also reminds me of my participation in the ritual during one spring season when almost our entire mohalla paid obeisance at the shrine of this towering Sufi figure (RA).

In my endeavour to write this column, I didn’t leave any stone unturned to know the birth and death year of Syed Malik Sahib. Unfortunately, nobody could provide me with any information regarding this. Even the shrine signboard, outside the main gate, does not have even any date written concerning the legendary Sufi’s birth and death.

Despite undergoing construction, the shrine pulsates with spiritual energy, drawing seekers of solace, guidance, and blessings. Its ongoing transformation symbolizes the eternal journey of faith, rooted in the timeless wisdom of Sufi mysticism. The legacy of Hazrat Syed Malik Bukhari (RA) transcends generations, with his teachings echoing through the annals of time, inspiring truth-seekers and spiritual aspirants alike.

As the shrine continues to evolve, it remains a testament to the enduring legacy of Syed Malik Bukhari (RA), serving as a sanctuary of hope and spiritual refuge for all who seek solace and divine guidance. With each whispered prayer and each pilgrimage undertaken, its sacred aura grows, weaving a tapestry of faith and devotion that transcends earthly confines, resonating with the eternal truths of the human spirit and the boundless mercy of the Divine.

By Manzoor Akash

[email protected]

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Manzoor Akash
2:23 am October 14, 2024


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