Blasphemy Against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Raises Concerns About Secularism And Legal Failures In India

Blasphemy Against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Raises Concerns About Secularism And Legal Failures In India

Repeated insults towards revered religious figures challenge India’s commitment to protecting religious sentiments, with calls for stronger legal enforcement and accountability growing louder.

In the diverse and vibrant fabric of India, which is home to people of many different faiths and communities, respect for religious beliefs is one of the foundational values. Yet, the recent blasphemous remarks made by a priest in Uttar Pradesh against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have deeply hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims. This incident is not an isolated case, but part of a growing trend where religious figures, revered by millions, are targeted with derogatory comments. Despite India’s strong secular ethos and laws that protect religious sentiments, repeated instances of disrespect towards our Prophet (PBUH) reflect the failure of the legal and social systems to uphold justice and harmony.

The Unbreakable Bond of Love of Muslims for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

For Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is more than a historical figure; he is the embodiment of compassion, truth, and divine guidance. Every Muslim’s heart resonates with love, respect, and reverence for him, as he is not just a religious leader but also a guide whose teachings have shaped our way of life. His legacy of mercy, equality, justice, and kindness is deeply ingrained in every Muslim household, and our daily prayers reflect our devotion to him. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is insulted, it feels like an assault on the very core of our existence, shaking the foundations of our identity and faith. The bond between Muslims and their Prophet is one of deep emotional and spiritual connection, transcending time and place. As followers of his teachings, Muslims strive to embody his principles of patience and peace, but there comes a point when such acts of blasphemy demand attention and a robust response.

Did A Secular State Fail to Protect Religious Sentiments?

India’s secularism guarantees equal respect for all religions, and Article 25 of the Constitution ensures the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate one’s religion. However, despite these constitutional guarantees, recent incidents like the one involving the priest’s remarks in Uttar Pradesh highlight a stark reality: the failure of the law and state machinery to prevent such hateful acts.

Blasphemy is not just a matter of religious offence; it threatens social harmony and peace. When derogatory statements are made against revered religious figures, especially in a diverse society like India, it can lead to widespread unrest and division. Such actions are not only provocations but direct violations of the spirit of Indian secularism.

In India, laws like Section 299 of Bhartiya Nyay Sanitha (BNS) aim to prevent deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings. However, despite the presence of such laws, enforcement remains weak and inconsistent. The priest’s remarks are a clear case of intentional blasphemy meant to hurt the religious sentiments of the Muslim community, yet legal mechanisms often fail to act promptly and effectively. Why does it take public outrage, protests, and sometimes even violence for the legal system to take notice? This recurring inaction exposes the inefficiency of the legal machinery in dealing with such sensitive issues.

The Selective Enforcement of Laws

One of the main concerns for Muslims is the selective enforcement of laws. While India’s legal framework appears robust on paper, in practice, there are glaring inconsistencies. When religious figures, especially from minority communities, are insulted, legal proceedings are often slow or non-existent. On the other hand, even the slightest criticism or perceived insult toward certain other religions can lead to immediate legal action.

This double standard in law enforcement not only weakens the legal framework but also sows seeds of mistrust between different religious communities. When Muslims feel that their religious figures can be insulted without consequences, it fosters a sense of alienation and insecurity. It leads to a perception that the law does not treat all citizens equally, eroding faith in the judiciary and governance.

There is a Need for Stronger Action and Accountability

What makes such incidents even more alarming is the absence of swift justice. The lack of stringent legal repercussions emboldens individuals to make blasphemous remarks, knowing they will likely face little to no consequences. India, as a secular state, must ensure that the laws are applied fairly and equally to all, without favouritism or bias.

Law enforcement agencies and the judiciary must recognize the gravity of blasphemous acts. These are not just random remarks; they have the potential to disrupt communal harmony and inflame religious tensions. Strict penalties must be imposed to serve as a deterrent for future offenders, and the legal machinery must act swiftly in addressing such offences.

What Builds a Society of Mutual Respect and Understanding?

India’s pluralism is its strength, but that strength can only be maintained through mutual respect and understanding between communities. Every citizen, regardless of their faith, has the right to feel secure in their religious identity. This includes the right to be free from insults and blasphemous remarks against figures held sacred by their religion.

Muslims have always contributed to India’s rich cultural and social tapestry. From science to art, literature to governance, Muslims have played a key role in the development of this nation. Yet, despite this contribution, their religious sentiments are increasingly being disregarded, and blasphemous actions are becoming disturbingly frequent.

The recent blasphemous remarks against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are a stark reminder of the challenges Muslims face in India when it comes to protecting their religious sentiments. As citizens of a secular state, Muslims expect and deserve the protection of their faith and its sacred figures. The failure of the legal machinery to promptly address these violations is deeply troubling and calls for urgent reform.

India must ensure that its secular ethos is preserved through fair and equal application of the law, protecting the religious sentiments of all its citizens. Only then can we truly live up to the ideals of harmony and coexistence that this nation stands for? The love Muslims hold for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is eternal, and no amount of blasphemous remarks can diminish it. However, the state must act to prevent such acts from becoming a recurring part of our national discourse. Only by upholding justice can we maintain the peace and unity that are essential for India’s progress.

The writer is a practicing lawyer 

By Advocate Nadeem Khaliq

[email protected]

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