Mirwaiz asks administration to respect Islamic events

Mirwaiz asks administration to respect Islamic events

Questions frequent Jama Masjid closures

SRINAGAR: Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Dr Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq addressed a gathering at Jama Masjid on Friday after being released from over a month of house arrest.
In his speech, he said, “It is ridiculous that I am detained at will by authorities, and worse, that it is publicly denied.” He referred to the recent reports from the USCIRF and FIDH that document the political detentions and arrests of religious leaders.
Mirwaiz cautioned the authorities against attempts to alter significant days in the Islamic calendar, saying such actions would be strongly resisted by the people of Jammu & Kashmir. He demanded answers from the administration regarding the closure of the historic Jamia Masjid during important religious occasions such as Shab-e-Qadr and Rabi-ul-Awal.
“Can’t you see how people of Kashmir cooperate in the religious festivals of other communities? Don’t you see how we cooperate to make Amarnath Yatra a grand success? Why is Jamia being locked and prayers disallowed when it is an Islamic occasion?” he asked.
Mirwaiz said he is committed to a peaceful resolution, asserting that such a stance is not a weakness but a strength. He pointed out the complexities of the Kashmir issue, saying that as long as parts of the region remain claimed by both India and Pakistan and with portions under Chinese control, the future remains uncertain. “The powers involved do not view Kashmir as a humanitarian issue, which has consumed generations yearning for a resolution. We want an end to the pain of families divided across the LOC since 1947, and to address the suffering of the Kashmiri Pandit community that migrated post-1990,” he said.
Drawing parallels with the ongoing Palestinian conflict, Mirwaiz lamented the military dominance of Israel and its refusal to resolve the issue peacefully, resulting in widespread suffering. He criticized the double standards of military powers, particularly the US, which arms Israel while simultaneously calling for ceasefires. “We do not want such a situation in this region,” he stressed, advocating for peaceful outreach and dialogue, referring to past frameworks established during the tenures of Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh.
Mirwaiz described the recently held assembly elections in Jammu & Kashmir, which was downgraded to a Union Territory in 2019, as limiting and largely meaningless due to the increased powers granted to the Lieutenant Governor. “Despite the disempowerment we have witnessed since August 2019, the people still hope for some relief and say in their daily matters,” he added.
He expressed disappointment that regional political organisations failed to unite in facing the challenges ahead. “I hope that after the election results, these parties will prioritise the interests of the people over personal or party agendas,” he urged.

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