Good Manners – A Vital Aspect Of Islamic Teachings

Good Manners – A Vital Aspect Of Islamic Teachings

The Quran and hadith emphasize the significance of good character, kindness, and compassion in Islam, providing a comprehensive guide for Muslims to lead a virtuous life

Today, as usual, in the early morning after Fajr (dawn) prayers during my perusal, a hadith recorded in Bukhari and Muslim (authentic books of hadith) caught my attention. The hadith is, “The best of you are those with the best manners.” Unquestionably, Islam is not merely a set of specific rituals or beliefs, rather it is a comprehensive way of life that commands its followers to be candid and sincere in every walk of life. Good manners and character are an integral part of Islamic teachings.

The Quran and hadith, the two prominent and chief sources of Islamic teachings, provide invaluable instructions on how to govern oneself with good manners like honesty, kindness, generosity, humility, and compassion. Humans are considered the cream of creation because they are blessed with the highest intelligence and the ability to exhibit good manners among all other creations on this earth. Good manners play a radical role in forming and establishing a healthy society based on moral values and ethics, leading to happiness and peace for all.

The Holy Quran refers to various moral values in numerous places. One prime example is found in the chapter called “Luqman” in the Quran. Luqman, the wise, said to his son while advising him: “O my son, keep up the salah (prayer), enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and bear with patience whatever befalls you. Verily, these are some of the most important commandments. And do not turn your face away from people nor walk in arrogance through the earth, for Allah does not like the arrogant and boastful. And be moderate in your walk and lower your voice. Verily, the ugliest of voices is the voice of donkeys.”

All in all, these characteristics are not only essential for individual growth, but they also contribute to the betterment of society at large. Therefore, we can dream of a good and healthy society only if we nurture moral values and uphold our ethos.

The Prophet (PBUH) came to humankind with a message of faith, ethics, and hope. But the primary mission of the Prophet (PBUH) was to instill good character in every aspect of people’s lives. He (PBUH) stated: “I have been sent to perfect good character” (Al-Muwatta 1614). The Quran presents the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a model of moral excellence: “And you (PBUH) are surely on an exalted quality of character” (68:04). Commentators say the “exalted quality of character” mentioned in the verse refers to how Allah ingrained within the Prophet (PBUH) great traits of modesty, generosity, courage, forgiveness, forbearance, and every beautiful characteristic.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Have taqwa (fear) of Allah wherever you are, and follow an evil deed with a good one to wipe it out, and treat people with good behaviour” (Tirmidhi: 1987). He (PBUH) further stated: “There is nothing heavier than good character placed on the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection” (Abu Dawood: 4799). In another narration, “There is never any obscenity in a thing, but it mars it, and there is never any modesty in a thing, but it adorns it” (Ibn Majah: 4185).

The emphasis on good manners in Islam, as manifested in the Quran and hadith, acts as a beacon of instruction for Muslims seeking to incorporate the teachings of their faith and imitate the character of the perfect man who walked on the earth by practising kindness, compassion, respect, honesty, patience, and humility. It is apt to conclude with this beautiful hadith from Sunan An-Nasa’i: “By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, you will not enter Paradise until you submit to Islam. And you will not submit to Islam until you love one another.”

The writer is a teacher

By Masroof Manzoor

[email protected]

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