Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Application In Special Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Application In Special Education

From personalized learning experiences to assistive technologies, AI is poised to make a significant impact in the special education sector, but only if educators, policymakers, and technologists work together to create inclusive and effective solutions.

Special education describes specialized instructional programs to address the special requirements of students with disabilities. Through tailored support, these programs aim to ensure that students with a range of physical, emotional, or cognitive learning issues receive an equal and successful education. In order to support the best possible learning outcomes for children with disabilities, special education encompasses a variety of services, such as adapted teaching techniques, specific curricula, and the use of assistive technology.
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of creating systems that can carry out operations that usually call for human intelligence. These include solving problems, learning, comprehending spoken language, identifying patterns, and making choices. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems use computer vision, robotics, natural language processing, and machine learning to process data, learn from experiences, and adapt to new information. Artificial Intelligence (AI) received significant substantial attention in recent years, impacting a range of sectors such as health care, banking, transportation, and education.
By providing modern resources and methods to support students with disabilities, artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise the area of special education. AI is capable of addressing the demands of students with a range of range of following impairments:
Cognitive impairments
Students with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia, can benefit from personalized learning experiences with AI-driven instructional software. For example, voice technologies are used by AI-based reading aids to help dyslexic students read more easily accessible by highlighting text, offering audio feedback, and providing rapid pronunciation guides. Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD) children with autism spectrum disorder frequently have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. AI technologies can offer helpful assistance by means of response and interactive systems.
For instance, children with ASD can interact socially and develop their skills with AI-powered robots and virtual assistants. This system has the ability to monitor advancement, adjust to the child’s response and provide educators and therapists with data-driven perspectives. AI can also analyze tones and facial expressions to improve the comprehension and interpretation of social cues of children with ASD.
Physical impairment
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to provide assistive technologies that improve mobility and educational material interaction for students with physical disabilities. Students with limited mobility can use voice recognition software and eye-tracking technologies to independently control computers and access learning materials. Artificial Intelligence-driven prosthetic limbs and exoskeletons can enhance physical capacities, enabling increased engagement in school-related activities. Additionally, AI can help create more accessible, specific educational materials by converting textual content into Braille for students who are blind or visually impaired.
Behavioral and emotional problems
AI can help children who suffer from behavioural and emotional issues by providing them with tools for monitoring and managing their emotions. AI-enabled wearable devices can monitor psychological signals like skin conductance and heart rate to reduce stress and anxiety. These devices can alert teachers and give them access to real-time data, which can be used to control emotional outbursts and carry out immediate interventions. By analyzing behavioural patterns and identifying triggers, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can also help with creation of customized behaviour control strategies.
Intellectual impairments
Artificial intelligence helps students with intellectual disabilities by providing adaptive learning environments. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are able to perform repetitive practice, provide immediate feedback, and break down complex tasks into manageable steps.
Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered educational games and simulations can make learning entertaining while helping students in gaining necessary abilities. AI can also help teachers monitor student progress and modify their lesson plans to suit the individual needs of each student. Disorders of speech and language Artificial Intelligence tools can support speech therapy by offering individualized practice and feedback. Speech-recognition software may analyze a student’s speech patterns, pinpoint problem areas, and provide specialized exercises to enhance fluency and articulation.
Artificial intelligence-powered virtual speech therapists can offer dependable therapy sessions, complementing traditional speech therapy and facilitating more frequent practice. One promising approach to meeting the various requirements of students with disabilities is the incorporation of AI in special education. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to improve educational outcomes and increase students’ independence by offering individualized learning experiences, adaptive tools, and real-time support. AI technology will play a greater role in special education as it develops, creating more chances for innovation and inclusivity. For AI-driven solutions to be created in a way that is morally, inclusively, and successfully beneficial to all special education students, it is essential that technologists, policymakers, and educators work collaboratively.
Teachers serve as facilitators in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) in special education, integrating AI tools into the classroom to support individualized learning plans and analyzing AI-generated insights to customize training to fulfill the individual requirements of each student. They give the vital human touch-emotional support and understanding that AI cannot replicate, ensuring that technology enhances rather the takes the place of individualized instruction. Teachers also monitor and adjust the educational goals and advocate for appropriate training to maximize the benefits of AI for students with special education.
In Kashmiri special schools, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming the need of the hour to address the unique challenges faced by students with special needs. AI has a significant role to play in creating individualized learning experiences that are suited to the various needs of these students. It can do this by supplying assistive technology, adaptive materials, and data-driven insights that enable tracking of progress. Given the unique difficulties faced by the region, such as restricted access to teachers and specialized resources, AI-powered technologies can fill the gap by providing speech-to-text applications for students who might find it difficult to understand regular educational material and remote learning support.
The writer is pursuing PhD at the Mansarovar Global University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
By Firdous Ahmad Malik
[email protected]

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