Hard Work And Dedication Can Make A Change

Hard Work And Dedication Can Make A Change

A personal account of the remarkable changes achieved at the Primary Health Centre in Kargil, Ladakh through collective efforts and a commitment to excellence.

I have had an opportunity to work at the Primary Health Centre Shargole in the Kargil district of Ladakh for the last six months. During that time, I have witnessed firsthand the transformation that can be achieved through perseverance, hard work, and cooperation. Our entire staff has been working tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) inspection, and the changes we’ve seen are remarkable.

The working atmosphere was different, and the challenges seemed overwhelming when I initially joined. However, today I see a renewed enthusiasm, a rejuvenated approach to work, and a collective dedication to excellence. Every aspect of the PHC, from improved patient care to more efficient workflows, tells a story of progress. Even though the changes are small, they have a significant impact—much like a mountain climber’s steady steps that lead closer to the summit with every step.

The power of teamwork

Our growth has been the result of our collective efforts rather than any single achievement. True transformation in a health system can only occur when everyone within it is committed to the same goal. The staff at PHC Shargole has demonstrated exceptional cooperation, from the BMO and medical officers to the nursing staff and even the housekeeping team. When everyone’s contribution matters, even the smallest flaws are accounted for in the system. Collaboration and mutual support are, therefore, essential. The unit as a whole may suffer from one person’s mistake, but when everyone works together, the results are evident.

Going beyond the call of duty

What truly inspires me is the willingness of our staff to go beyond their designated roles. Employees here aren’t confined to their specific duties. For instance, our dental assistant has taken on responsibilities well beyond the realm of medicine, acting as our unofficial plumber and electrician when needed. It’s moments like these that demonstrate the extraordinary level of commitment our employees possess. They aren’t just performing their duties; they are making a bigger difference by ensuring that our PHC runs efficiently at all times.

Dedication beyond certificates

As the NQAS assessment draws near, one thing is clear: whether or not we receive the NQAS certificate is secondary. What truly matters is the heart and dedication with which our staff has worked. Their commitment to improving the PHC is commendable, and no certificate can adequately capture the spirit of cooperation and perseverance they have shown. Regardless of the outcome, what is most important is the daily teamwork and dedication we’ve witnessed.


Ultimately, our contributions to PHC Shargole go beyond superficial changes. They reflect a shift in commitment, attitude, and unity. As we prepare for the NQAS evaluation, I am confident that this centre will continue to flourish and grow, thanks to the relentless efforts of everyone involved. After all, hard work transforms not just places but people, creating something enduring in the process.

By Dr Fazal ul Haq Wani


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