Future Tense: Nitasha Kaul’s Powerful Novel Explores The Human Cost Of Conflict in Kashmir

Future Tense: Nitasha Kaul’s Powerful Novel Explores The Human Cost Of Conflict in Kashmir

A deeply personal and emotional portrayal of life in a conflict zone, Nitasha Kaul’s novel weaves together themes of identity, trauma and displacement to offer a nuanced understanding of the human experience in Kashmir.









PRINT ISBN: 978-93-5357-263-1

ONLINE ISBN: 978-93-5357-264-8


Nitasha Kaul’s Future Tense: A Novel will be a powerful exploration of the socio-political complexities of Kashmir, intertwining personal narratives with broader historical and political philosophy. As an established writer and academic with expertise in political philosophy, Kaul will draw from her deep understanding of political tensions and human rights issues in South Asia to create a nuanced portrayal of life in a conflict zone.

The novel will focus on characters grappling with the consequences of political instability, loss, and displacement, reflecting the ongoing struggle for identity and belonging amidst violence and upheaval. Kaul will weave themes of memory, trauma, and resistance into the narrative, revealing how individual lives are shaped by forces beyond their control. Through evocative prose, Future Tense will aim to humanize the complex dynamics of oppression. Kaul’s novel will seek to provide a voice for those often marginalized in mainstream discourse, offering a deeply emotional and thought-provoking reflection on the human cost of conflict.

Plot and Character Development

In Future Tense, Nitasha will intricately weave a multi-layered plot, focusing on the personal and political struggles of her characters, set in the volatile landscape of Kashmir. The story will likely follow multiple protagonists, each reflecting different aspects of life in a conflict zone. Kaul, who has previously explored themes of identity and displacement in her debut novel Residue (Kaul, 2014), will continue to delve into these issues through characters caught between the chaos of political unrest and their own emotional turmoil.

The characters in Future Tense will represent a cross-section of Kashmiri society—ranging from displaced families to politically active youth—and their narratives will intersect, creating a mosaic of perspectives on the impact of violence and instability. Drawing from her expertise as a political economist, Kaul will develop characters that reflect both personal and collective experiences of trauma, nostalgia, and the search for identity. Through them, Kaul will explore the generational divide in Kashmir, contrasting the older generation’s memories of a peaceful past with the younger generation’s longing for a future free from conflict.

Character development in Future Tense will be central to the novel’s emotional depth, as each individual grapples with their place in a fractured world. Their personal growth, marked by moments of resilience and despair, will highlight Kaul’s skill in portraying the psychological complexity of life in a conflict zone. Ultimately, the characters’ journeys will serve as a reflection of the broader political and historical forces that shape their lives, drawing readers into a deeply humanized portrayal of Kashmir’s ongoing struggles.

Critical Analysis

In Future Tense, Nitasha Kaul will explore complex themes such as identity, trauma, and displacement against the backdrop of the Kashmir conflict. The novel will delve into how political turmoil affects personal and collective identities, emphasizing the psychological impact of conflict on individuals. Kaul’s style will be evocative and lyrical, using descriptive prose to capture the harsh realities and emotional depth of the characters’ experiences. The structure of the novel is likely to be non-linear or fragmented, reflecting the fragmented nature of the characters’ lives, and will focus on individual stories through character-centric chapters.

Character development will be intricate, with well-rounded, multi-dimensional characters experiencing significant growth and change. Their interpersonal dynamics will reveal deeper insights into their personalities and the effects of conflict on their relationships. Kaul may employ literary devices such as symbolism and vivid imagery to enhance the thematic elements and create a strong sense of place. Techniques like stream of consciousness might be used to provide direct access to the characters’ inner thoughts and emotions.

Compared to her earlier work Residue, which also explores themes of identity and displacement, Future Tense will shift focus to the socio-political aspects of conflict in Kashmir. Unlike other Kashmiri fiction, such as The Collaborator by Mirza Waheed, which often emphasizes the political dimensions of the conflict, Kaul’s novel will offer a more personal and emotional perspective, highlighting individual human experiences within the broader socio-political context.

Future Tense will be notable for its emotional depth and psychological insight, offering a profound exploration of the human cost of conflict through its well-developed characters. Kaul’s ability to portray the internal struggles and resilience of her characters will be a significant strength, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of life in Kashmir. The novel’s non-linear or fragmented narrative structure will mirror the disordered reality of the characters’ lives, enhancing the immersive experience.

However, the complex structure might pose a challenge for some readers, potentially complicating their engagement with the plot. Additionally, while the focus on personal narratives adds emotional depth, it may limit the exploration of broader political contexts, leaving readers seeking a more comprehensive political analysis potentially unsatisfied.

Contributions to Literature and Genre

Future Tense will contribute to the genre by providing a deeply personal perspective on the Kashmir conflict, complementing existing works that often focus more on political dimensions. Kaul’s blend of academic expertise with narrative storytelling will offer valuable insights into themes of identity and displacement, enhancing the discourse on these issues in contemporary literature. Kaul’s execution of her ideas will distinguish Future Tense as a significant work in the genre.


For future readers of Future Tense, it is advisable to approach the novel with an open mind and patience for its non-linear narrative structure. Engage deeply with the characters’ personal experiences to fully appreciate the emotional and psychological depth of their stories. Be prepared for a focus on individual perspectives rather than a broad political analysis, and use the novel as an opportunity to explore the personal impact of conflict. Kaul’s evocative prose and rich character development offer a unique perspective on the Kashmir conflict, making it a rewarding read for those interested in the intersection of personal and political dimensions in contemporary literature.

The writer is pursuing MEd from the University of Kashmir

By Firdous Ahmad Malik

[email protected]

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