The Future Is In Their Hands: The Role Of Youth In Nation-Building

The Future Is In Their Hands: The Role Of Youth In Nation-Building

Need to empower the future generations with social, political, moral and financial support

It is a universal fact that the youths are the custodians of the heritage of a country. Their broad-mindedness, agility, strength, and so on can convert deadwood into a green tree. It is their foresight that deals with present as well as future challenges. They lay a strong foundation and act as a powerful force against any challenge. However, there are certain prerequisites to this. Without these, there is no guarantee of transforming a backward country into a modern one. If we look at the developed countries of the world, the youth have been at the forefront. Their capacities have been channelled in a fruitful direction.

What are the criteria for utilizing the potential and creativity of the youth? What are those without which no progress is possible in the real sense? In the following lines, let us discuss some of those.

The first is social support. With the passage of time, everything changes. In the past, life was simple, and there was a traditional lifestyle. However, the modern age is the age of science and technology. It is the age of inventions and research. A traditional mindset will not work in the present. The present world needs a different approach. The youth of today want to be understood by society. Though society has its norms and regulations, the youth want recognition from it. They demand acceptance from society and want it to help them in every field of life. There are many loopholes in our society, but it is the youth who can set them right, provided that support is given in every form.

The second is political support. Youths can be good leaders. They can use their energies to lead their countries and do away with corruption and dynastic politics. Everybody has to support them politically in order to develop the country in a real sense. Their young personalities will attract everyone towards good politics and create a healthy atmosphere that strives to make a welfare state.

The third is moral support. Youths often falter in their lives. Moral support can soothe their nerves and help them come out of any evils they may face. Mistakes are a part of life. Instead of breaking them, we can opt for pruning. Advice given for the sake of development is what matters the most.

The fourth is financial support. Youths need economic support at every step of their lives. In this age of inflation, they can’t develop themselves if they face financial constraints. If they are economically independent, they can utilize their time in fields that will prove fruitful in the long run.

The need of the hour is to understand youth and act diligently so that this precious wealth is not wasted on drugs and diseases. A proper mechanism of empathy and sympathy can work miracles. It is in our hands to make or break our youth. It is not rocket science. Just scratching the top layer with proper attention will help us reach the pinnacles of civilization. We are proud to have a vast pool of youth who will represent us in the future.

By Syed Mustafa Ahmad

[email protected]


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