Benefits Of Reading Books

Benefits Of Reading Books

Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim: Ibn Majah

We can ponder on it that reading books increases our knowledge. Reading books can improve our vocabulary and language skills. Especially reading books can overcome our anxiety and stress because, in today’s generation, most people are suffering from anxiety issues so they should be involvedĀ in reading books which would be beneficial for them.

Books also improve communication skills and most of the people who find difficulty in concentration and memory can read books because it boosts memory and concentration level.

By reading books, we will acquire knowledge for ourselves and also be able to share it with others. This verse highlights the value of knowledge “And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge (Quran 20:114)”. Without knowledge, we’ll be unable to comprehend what others are discussing. We can’t even engage with them in conversation because our lack of understanding puts us at a disadvantage, while they possess a wealth of knowledge.

Here’s a quote about reading books:-

In books lies the light of the world

Read, so that life finds its right path

They say sit and think, but I say read books and think.

Authentic Research: Spending as few as 6 minutes with a good book can reduce the stress level by 70%.

“ARE THOSE WHO KNOW EQUAL TO THOSE WHO KNOW NOT? (QURAN 39:9). Knowing and not knowing are not the same. Those who learn and think will grow and succeed.

Through reading, we can participate in various activities, enhance our communication skills, and reap benefits that can last a lifetime. A book is a loyal friend which never betrays, never deceives and never leaves your side. Some people say why waste time reading books? It’s better to watch videos instead but they don’t realize what they’re missing. Reading books can change the way we think and feel, and help us grow as people. It’s a chance to think deeply, imagine, and understand others better. Videos can’t do that.

When we read, we can learn new things, question our ideas, and see the world in a new way. That’s something videos can’t give us.

If we need to make a decision related to family, career, children, or anything else, how can we determine what’s right and wrong? The answer lies in reading books. When we read, we can develop the ability to distinguish between right and wrong ourselves.

Here’s a famous hadith about seeking knowledge: “Whoever treads a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” (Sahih Muslim, 2699)

This hadith, narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and the rewards that come with it. It encourages individuals to pursue knowledge and learning, as it will lead them to Paradise.

“The seekers of knowledge will be the inheritors of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind gold or silver, but they left behind knowledge, and whoever acquires it, acquires a great share.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, 3641)

This shows us how essential it is for us to read books and gain knowledge. Our prophets didn’t have wealth, but they had knowledge, and this knowledge can take us far. So, we should read books, gain knowledge, and change ourselves. Allah will definitely help us.

“Books take you on a journey without moving, and teach you without speaking.”

The writer is a Class 10th student at VITS ACADEMY BEMINA

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