3rd National Lok Adalat held at Bandipora, 566 cases settled

BANDIPORA: In line with the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) calendar and under the directives of the Jammu and Kashmir Legal Services Authority, the District Legal Service Authorities (DLSAs) of Bandipora organized the 3rd National Lok Adalat on Saturday at the District Court Complex, Bandipora. The event aimed at facilitating the amicable settlement of various cases.
The Lok Adalat was inaugurated by Principal District & Sessions Judge, Khalil Ahmad Choudhary, who also serves as the Chairman of the District Legal Services Authority, Bandipora and under the guidance of Mr Iqbal Ahmad Akhoon, Secretary District Legal Services Authority, Bandipora.
In preparation for the event, courts had pre-identified cases suitable for settlement during the Lok Adalat. A total of five benches were set up to handle 1005 cases.
The First Bench was presided over by Mr Khalil Ahmad Choudhary, Chairman DLSA (Pr. Distt. & Sessions Judge) Bandipora & Adv. Reyaz Ahmad Shah Acted as a member of the said Bench. The Second Bench was presided over by Mr Sushil Singh, (Additional Principal District & Sessions Judge Bandipora and Adv. Sameer Ahmad Khan. 3rd Bench was presided over by Mr Iqbal Ahmad Akhoon (Sub-Judge/CJM) Bandipora and Adv Asif Iqbal acted as a member. Bench No. 4 consisted of Ms Rabia Iqbal (Assistant Labour Commissioner) Bandipora and Adv Tariq Ahmad Bhat. Bench No. 5 consisted of Mr Firdous Ahmad Qadri (Tehsildar) Bandipora.
Out of 1005 cases, 566 cases were successfully settled, with the aggrieved parties being awarded a total sum of Rs 50,56,810.
The following types of cases were taken up by the Benches in the National Lok Adalat i.e., Bank Recovery Cases, Criminal Compoundable Cases, Money Suit, NI Act u/s 138, MACT, Matrimonial, Traffic Challans, BSNL Cases, and other Civil Cases.

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