The Wish-Fulfilling Tree

The Wish-Fulfilling Tree

A family’s journey through miracle and sacrifice

BLURB: Sameer and his wife’s long-awaited wish for a child leads to an unforeseen ordeal. After enduring immense hardship and sacrificing almost everything, their miracle baby’s health crisis tests their resilience and belief, ultimately leading them to a profound understanding of sacrifice and hope.

Sameer, a young man of thirty-seven, is not tall, with black curling hair and small, grey, fiery eyes. His nose is broad and flat, and he has high cheekbones. He lights a candle near the gigantic chinar tree, which has stood for many centuries. This tree is massive, like an empire in the sky, spreading out in all directions with leaves that seem to float in the clouds. It has long, thick branches in shades of white and brown, with large green leaves from which emerges a continuous chorus of birds nesting within. The tree’s leaves acquire varied hues, from blood red to mauve, amber, and yellow, depicting the changing seasons. It is leafless in winter and stands out magnificently during periods of snowfall. Spanning over an acre of land, with green grass surrounding it, the tree also has a beautiful garden adjacent to it.

It is a widely held belief that whoever lights a candle near this tree will have their wishes fulfilled. This belief draws people from far and wide, hoping to have their desires granted. The tree holds a significant place in the hearts of many, who come to light candles and make wishes, expecting miracles.

Sameer and his wife live a modest middle-class life, free from hardship. Though they don’t possess luxuries, they are blessed with all necessities. They own a humble home and have a stable income that ensures their basic needs are met. Content with their material possessions, they have no greater desire for a luxurious life. However, one wish remains unfulfilled for them—the blessing of having a child. Despite consulting some of the finest doctors and visiting renowned saints, nothing has worked. The void in their lives remains unfilled, but they have not given up hope. Finally, a saint advised them to light a candle near the chinar tree, assuring them that their wish would be granted. It is believed by the locals that a mystic planted the tree centuries ago and cared for it until he left this mortal world.

Nine months later, the couple’s wish is fulfilled, and a child comes into their life after twelve years of waiting. Overjoyed, they thank God and distribute sweets among the people, celebrating the arrival of their child. However, their happiness is short-lived. They soon realize that their child is not normal, crying incessantly day and night. Desperate and uncertain, they seek help from saints, but it proves futile. The child’s condition does not improve.

They consult some of the best doctors, who, after careful examination, diagnose the child with a congenital heart problem—a hole in the heart that requires surgery. The doctors inform the couple that the procedure will be costly, as it necessitates the expertise of a foreign specialist. Additionally, they caution that the success of the operation is not guaranteed.

Faced with this daunting situation, the couple is overwhelmed with worry for their only child’s well-being. The surgery is not minor, and the child’s recovery will take months. Furthermore, the financial burden is significant. Ultimately, they decide to proceed with the operation, willing to sell their home and all their belongings to save their child.

Finally, the day of the operation arrived. The couple prayed fervently for the success of the surgery and the long life of their precious child. The medical team, aware of the high stakes, approached the procedure with the utmost caution, ensuring that every step was performed meticulously to safeguard the child’s well-being. Miraculously, the operation was a success, and the child’s life was saved. Now, he is in stable condition, much to the immense relief of his parents.

The couple, despite their financial hardships, felt a deep sense of joy and gratitude. They had poured their savings and sacrificed many of their valuable possessions to afford the surgery, but seeing their child healthy and safe was a reward beyond measure. Though they had lost almost everything they once possessed, their hearts were full as they embraced the prospect of a hopeful future for their child.

In a poignant turn of events, they revisited the same saint who had previously guided them. He instructed them to light a candle near the chinar tree as a gesture for their child’s recovery. The saint revealed that the tree had the power to grant one wish, but it required a significant sacrifice in return. This revelation left the couple deeply unsettled, facing a paradoxical choice.

Before their child’s arrival, the family had enjoyed a comfortable life. The birth of their child, while a blessing, had come at a tremendous cost. The extensive treatment left them with no bank balance and a heavy burden of stress. Nevertheless, they remained resolute in their determination to raise their child. They expressed to the saint their bleak financial situation but vowed to overcome their challenges. Their resolve was unwavering; they would work tirelessly to rebuild their lives and secure a bright future for their child.

Content with the divine gift of their child’s life, they embraced an optimistic outlook. They believed that through hard work and perseverance, they could restore their fortunes and invest in their child’s promising future. Their story is a testament to the resilience and enduring hope of a family bound by love and unwavering faith.

The writer is a freelance journalist and can be reached at [email protected]

By Umar Hayat Husaain

[email protected]

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