PAPSK aghast at FFRC’s ‘unjust’ transport fee order

SRINAGAR: The Parents Association of Private Schools Kashmir (PAPSK) has expressed profound disappointment and dismay over the recent transport order issued by the Committee for Fixation & Regulation of Fee of Private Schools (FFRC) J&K.
A PAPSK spokesperson in a statement said, “This order, mandating that private schools charge 50% of transport fees during winter vacations in Kashmir, is unacceptable and deeply unjust to the parents and guardians within our community.”
He said that the winters in Kashmir are marked by a significant break in the school calendar, during which time all the private schools of Kashmir suspend their transport services. “Given that these services are not utilized during this period, imposing a 50% transport fee is an undue burden on parents, who are already managing the financial strains of private education in Kashmir,” he said.
The spokesperson added, “The rationale behind this decision appears to be disconnected from the realities faced by the parents. We firmly believe that it is unreasonable to expect parents to pay for transport services that are not being provided. The financial implications of this order are significant, and enforcing it without regard for its impact on families is an injustice.”
PAPSK has urged Justice Sunil Hali, chairman of FFRC to reconsider and withdraw this order. “It is imperative that the concerns and grievances of the parents are taken into account, and that the policy is adjusted to reflect a fair and equitable approach. The current decision not only fails to address the actual usage of transport services but also exacerbates the financial pressures on families during an already challenging season,” the association said.
“We urge the Committee to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Parents Association to find a more just and reasonable solution that respects the realities of school transport services and the financial constraints of the families affected,” the PAPSK said.


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