Srinagar: The first notification for Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir after nearly a decade is being issued Tuesday. Also final electoral rolls of the Union Territory will be published the same day and number of the voters is expected to be close to nine millions. As per the last revision of last electoral rolls, Jammu and Kashmir has 87.09 lakh voters. After publication of final electoral rolls on August 20, number of the electorates is expected to be between 88 lakh to 89 lakh i.e. very close to 9 millions. With the publication of electoral rolls, the latest exercise of Special Summary Revision will be over. The Assembly-segment wise voter lists will also be published and the political parties as well as the candidates will have access to them. “The lists with number of areas and electorates will be of more significance this time as boundaries of many Assembly constituencies have been changed following exercise undertaken by the Delimitation Commission after increase in number of Assembly seats from 83 to 90,” the officials said. Among 87.09 lakh voters at present in the Union Territory, 44.46 lakh are males and 42.62 lakh are females. Besides, there are 169 transgender, 82590 People with Disabilities (PwDs), 73943 Very Senior Citizens, 2660 Centenarians, 76092 Service Electors and 3.71 lakh First Time Voters. Over two million voters (around 21 lakh) are young aged between 20-29. Number of the Polling Stations in Jammu and Kashmir is 11,838 including 2332 in urban areas and 9506 in rural areas. Average voters per Polling Station stand at 735. First notification for threephase Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir will be issued on August 20 for a total of 24 constituencies. The candidates