Contribution of Peer Shams-ud-Din Lolabi (RA) for his hometown Kupwara

Contribution of Peer Shams-ud-Din Lolabi (RA) for his hometown Kupwara

We are the custodians of the legacy left by our noble mentors and spiritual guides

Allah (SWT) has bestowed talent, ability and wonderful skills on every human being living on this planet. Some of them unveil these sacred abilities and transmit them to the entire world, while others keep them limited to themselves, and hence the whole world remains deserted. This is an unfortunate reality of this universe: this world could trace out a few professional and charismatic scientists, poets, engineers, educationists, politicians, etc., however, millions of such great minds remain hidden and merely oblivious. Nothing could be known about them; thus, they lived lives of anonymity and died unknown. Some people with magnanimous souls are symbols of love and compassion; others try to follow their footprints, while some are highly wicked, burdens on the earth, and others move away from them. They talk differently and act differently; they teach love but are loveless. They care nothing about humanity; they think about their self-ego and how to grind their own axe.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Verily, among men, there are persons who become the keys to goodness and the locks of evil. And among men, there are people who become the locks of goodness and the keys to evil. Lucky are those whom Allah (SWT) puts in their hands the key to goodness, and woe to those whom Allah (SWT) puts in their hands the key to evil.”
If we go just two decades back, we will find a different Kupwara nostalgia, not the same one which we are observing today. No phone services were available, people lived in extreme hardships and were ignorant about world affairs and information technology. Kupwara, a place of love and beauty, is known for its people’s love, compassion, and hospitality and has always been struggling hard and hoping for better days.
This is the reality of this universe: a human being is not a machine; whatever is installed in it one can access only, but a human being is the masterpiece of Almighty Allah (SWT). If a little work is exerted on the human mind, it can set amazing wonders which will certainly surprise everyone’s intellect. Humans can capture sunrays to generate baffling innovations, stop the moving ocean, and penetrate a monster mountain. The same happened and was bound to happen; Kupwara, a frontier district, untrodden and marginalized in every aspect—spiritually degraded, educationally backward, ignorant since its inception—had a few personalities change its direction socially, economically, educationally, religiously, and politically and are continuously in a reformative phase.
Hazrat Peer Shams-ud-Din Lolabi, popularly known as “Hazrat Peer Sahab” (RA), is among those pioneers who brought a phenomenal windfall to Kupwara. He was a blessed noble soul with boundless extraordinary abilities, notably simplicity and sincerity, who worked hard with hammer and tongs and bridged the gaps, uniting the people of Kupwara altogether. These people are the most conscious and always think about humanity, and how lives could be improved, brought together, and benefited. They work for the cause of Allah (SWT), and their lives are entirely meant for Allah (SWT).
On 19th November 1998, Hazrat Peer Sahab laid the foundation of Masjid-ul-Murshadeen (Dawat-o-Tableege Markaz) Kupwara. This establishment achieved amazing feats. Thousands of mosques are hidden behind this remarkable masjid. Thousands of people have been blessed with the utmost guidance. Thousands of students have revolutionized their fields of academics. Thousands of Hufaaz turned out to be experts in the Holy Quran and extraordinarily capable of reciting the Holy Quran in just three days. The lives of most people of Kupwara turned to Sunnah and Shariah. The masjid gained worshipers, and worshipers got imams. Thus, the golden period of Islam started in Kupwara. We, the people of Kupwara, have the privilege to claim that this district has the highest number of Hufaaz. This is a reality that cannot be hidden, without any ambiguity or exaggeration, that Hazrat Peer Sahab (SWT) was undoubtedly a religious preacher, reformist, Peer-e-Kamil, mentor, and above all, a God-fearing personality. Masjid-ul-Murshadeen was purely a miracle, as merely in just one year, congregational prayer began in November 1999. The people engaged with this establishment witnessed unprecedented changes in every aspect of life, including the spirit of self-sacrifice, compassion, generosity, honesty, integrity, and learning good morals and manners.
The credit for spreading the Dawah mission (Dawah wa Tableegh) in Kupwara belongs to Hazrat Peer Sahab. He introduced Dawah, spent his entire life earning an approach to it, and connected people to this Prophetic cause. Due to his honesty, versatility, perseverance, dedication, willpower, tenacity, and service to mankind, this noble Dawah spread rapidly throughout the district, and movements of parties and caravans began. People from all villages initially began to assemble in (Sogam) Lolab, and later the Markaz was shifted to Kupwara as a central place. The faithful people from villages like Kralpora, Hyhama, Handwara, and Dedikoot provided substantial support and assembled for this cause. As a result, we have a large number of such establishments in Kupwara, but the credit is due to Hazrat Peer Sahab.
Apart from this, Hazrat Peer Sahab made valuable contributions to laying the foundation stone of Markazi Darul Uloom Doodwan Kupwara. Additionally, he established Shams-ul-Uloom Darpora (Lolab), Markaz Wawoora Lolab, Jamia Shams-ul-Uloom Murshadeen Kupwara, and remained Patron-in-Chief of Darul Uloom Qasmia Srinagar until his death. According to Dr. Nazir Ahmad Zargar Keeri Pattan, “One day Hazrat Peer Sahab asked me, ‘Do you hear? On this Hajj, the Holy Prophet (SAW) tied a special turban around my head and told me today I am honouring you with the Caliphate of 14 branches of Sufism.” Before his death, he gave up food and all pursuits of this world and asked his family not to panic about his eating schedule, as Almighty Allah fed him with His almighty power. He often used to say that he had been sent as a replacement for Allama Anwar Shah Sahab Kashmiri (RA).
The successor of Hazrat Peer Sahab, his son Hazrat Peer Rashid Ahmad Sahab, said, “One day I accompanied him on a Tableegh journey. We sat in a room for dinner, and water was served to wash our hands. Few people washed their hands as well. Spontaneously, Hazrat Peer Sahab pointed to the corner to check the jug; eventually, when the jug was checked, it led everyone into bafflement as we noticed a frog in it.” It was a clear mojza (miracle) of Hazrat Peer Sahab.
After a prolonged illness, Hazrat Peer Sahab left this world on 12th November 2021 (Friday), leaving his numerous devotees mourning. I ask Allah (SWT) for his highest place in Jannat-ul-Firdous. He will be remembered for his gallant contribution, utmost courage, and selfless act of supreme sacrifice. I express my sense of ovation to this “Mard-e-Qalandar (RA)”. Hazrat Peer Sahab left three sons and a daughter. Before his death, he assigned the responsibility of Dawah and all his treasures in terms of Darul Ulooms and Markaz to his middle son, Hazrat Peer Rashid Ahmad Sahab, whose work and conduct have been exceptional and loved by the people. He is shouldering his responsibilities with utmost dedication, and sincerity, and preserving his legacy in the best means. May Allah (SWT) accept his work and may he flourish with leaps and bounds.

The writer is a teacher at BHSS Halmatpora, Kupwara

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