Teachers And Parents As Guardians Of Students' Social Development

1:32 am July 25, 2024


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Teachers And Parents As Guardians Of Students’ Social Development

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Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations: Bob Beauprez

Teaching is a stimulating and fascinating career. The teacher is a role model, flagship, cynosure, and standard-bearer for students and learners. The knowledge and understanding of the job description for teachers are very vital. The teacher is the most influential figure in the quality of education. The presence of teachers in front of the class is an absolute condition that must exist so that the learning process runs properly. They are a very dominant element in learning activities and cannot be replaced by any sophisticated technology. The development of technology in the field of education, as manifested by the variety of learning media and learning aids, is not necessarily able to replace the presence of teachers in the classroom. Students need human elements that are directly derived from the presence of teachers in the classroom, such as attitudes, values, feelings, characters, and personalities that cannot be maximally obtained from technology.
During this time, the teacher was accused of being responsible for the poor quality of education. The accusation could be true because the teacher’s role is strategic and directly involved in learning, but the teacher is not the only party that determines learning. Learning takes place with the necessary cooperation between teachers, parents, and the community. In educational and school improvement aspects, the parent’s role is a significant factor.
The role of parents in the study has many aspects. The first aspect is parenting, and parents are responsible for implementing education. The second aspect is communication: active communication between parent and educator or school. The third aspect is volunteering, i.e., when parents contribute time, energy, thoughts, and other resources to support the school program. The fourth is learning at home, which is to guide students when studying at home. The fifth is the active decision-making of parents involved in decision-making, activities, and school policies. The last is collaborating with the community, a form of parental involvement in the community to promote education.
Parental participation in learning is not just sending their children to school and paying dues, but also a sense of responsibility towards educational success. Teachers can ask for the help of parents to help their children complete homework, watch television schedules, and motivate children to learn. Through the improvement of teaching in schools, teachers and parents need a container as a communication vehicle that can bridge the learning needs of learners. Based on this view, there is also a breakthrough that leads to a pattern of cooperation between parents and teachers in dealing with learning difficulties in order to enhance learning, so that the success achieved is the result of a harmonious blend between parents and teachers.
People are always dealing with change and problems that make it difficult to maintain or improve their quality of life. Adjustment refers to how different people satisfy their vital energy and development needs. Successful social adjustment means knowing what your family, friends, and community expect from you and meeting those expectations. It also entails maintaining positive relationships with your instructors and peers. Schools and colleges are ideal environments for students to learn how to adapt to new conditions. Social skills make it possible to learn, make friends, solve everyday problems, and adapt to the many changes that come with growing up. People in modern society think that teenagers have a wide range of problems, many of which can be traced back to personality disorders. Getting teenagers to fit in with culture has become an essential topic of discussion, perhaps because we need to learn more about it. Teenagers can be cared for easily in these situations if the adults involved know how to care for and understand them.
A teacher significantly affects how their students grow up as people. Teachers significantly impact their students’ lives outside of the classroom. They shape their students’ worldviews, help them grow as people, and set them up for future success. Well-being, which is what we mean when we talk about health, is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.” Teachers have a tremendous impact on the lives of the teenagers and young adults they educate, as well as the larger society. The teenage years are the most important and formative years of a person’s life. Adolescence refers to the period between the end of childhood and the beginning of adult life.
Adolescents experience the peak of their development. As a result, it is the responsibility of both teachers and parents to establish an atmosphere in the classroom and at home that promotes kids’ physical and mental development in the best way possible. Physical activity should be incorporated into the school day, with adequate time and space. Teachers should be trained to impart these lessons. Today’s children feel lost and aimless because they are unsure of what they want to accomplish with their lives. Their training does not prepare them for paid work.
Teenagers in today’s society want practical education that focuses on both vocations and the market. So, this is where the government, civic society, parents, and teachers should concentrate their efforts. During adolescence, emotions swing rapidly and are frequently out of control. This is a period of great emotional instability and immaturity. Young adults are extremely impatient and quick to rage. Even small things might make them angry. So, teaching teenagers how to deal with their feelings is crucial. They must learn to control their emotions and use them to achieve good things. The teenage years are a bridge between the younger and older generations. Parents, teachers, and people in charge need to know much about adolescent psychology if they work with teenagers. Consultation could be a good way for teachers and parents to work together. Spending an hour with a teacher can make a big difference in how a student acts at home and in class. Usually, these kinds of talks happen at parent-teacher conferences. Parents can talk to their kids about their progress in school, how they are acting, and any problems that have come up in class.
According to research, parents who need to learn how to read or write are less likely to attend parent-teacher conferences. This is probably because they need to understand what is being discussed and care less about their children’s social growth. Family members can take on the role of tutor to help their child do well in school. When a child works with a tutor, they get individualised academic help in a particular subject. Because of this, the children’s verbal and cognitive development falls behind, which slows their social growth. Social development starts at birth and continues for the rest of a person’s life. Teacher plays a very important role in society, and they are considered nation builders, personality developers, guides, etc. But in the modern era, there are several factors that are responsible for the degradation of the status of teachers, their poor performance, and the decline in teaching values, such as changing social attitudes, professionalism, poor quality of teaching, non-responsiveness, and a low level of accountability, third-party intervention in teachers during their transfer, keeping them localised at offices, etc. Importance should be given to religious/spiritual education as well as women’s education so that society as a whole may flourish with a desirable value system.
Social, economic, cultural, and human values play a very important role in the overall development of society and help in achieving the socialistic pattern of society. It is recommended that there be congenial conditioning or a proper environment in society, which includes parents, teachers, educators, and administrators, for inculcating values, i.e., moral, spiritual, religious, social, economic, and cultural values, etc., among the students and youths. The promotion of human values in society depends on the promotion of good qualities among individuals. In every tradition and in every country, the place of a teacher, not only in the institution but also in society, has been glorified.
According to a Japanese saying, a poor teacher tells, an average teacher teaches, a good teacher explains, an excellent teacher demonstrates, and a great teacher inspires. To inspire the students, a teacher should discharge twin roles—one to mould himself and the other to mould others. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that education without vision is a waste, education without value is a crime, and education without mission is a life burden. A nation with atomic power is not a strong nation, but a nation with people with strong character is indeed a strong nation. Therefore, for sustainable human development as well as for social growth, there is a need for value-based education, spiritual education, and the promotion of human values in society.
The writer is a teacher


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Muhsin Ameen Malik
1:32 am July 25, 2024


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