Religious Strife: Ego, Misinformation, And Intolerance Plague Global Faiths

1:50 am July 24, 2024


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Religious Strife: Ego, Misinformation, And Intolerance Plague Global Faiths

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Examining the causes and consequences of interreligious conflict in today’s world

In the present world, almost all religions have become the archenemy of one another. In other words, the followers of one religion are the biggest enemies of another one. They see each other with suspicious eyes and are always ready to brandish their swords and go on a killing spree. Now the situation has reached such a height that different sects of the same religion fight against each other over peripheral issues, bringing down the grand edifice of religion.
Religious fundamentalism and bigotry have seeped deep into our psyche, rendering religious sermons ineffective. The spread of half-truths and false information about sensitive religious topics by those lacking basic knowledge of their own faiths has further exacerbated the situation. Despite their lack of understanding, they spare no effort to assert their beliefs. Consequently, most religions find themselves caught in a dangerous whirlpool of criticism and violence.
An orator is hell-bent on declaring others wrong, unable to see beyond surface differences. In this manner, he reduces the lofty and noble principles of his religion to nothingness. With the advent of social media, it has become common to see so-called religious leaders hurling insults at each other.
There are several causes responsible for this denigrating situation of religions. Firstly, ego plays a significant role, as egoists speak poorly of each other under the guise of religion. They don different attire to hide the underlying ego that manifests beneath superficial appearances. Secondly, there is a prevalence of half-truths and misinformation about sacred texts across all religions. The so-called champions of religions possess only partial and incorrect knowledge of divine texts. They fail to comprehend why these texts were sent to common people through pious Prophets and Messengers. Their main goal is to interpret holy texts based on their limited understanding and preach in language far removed from common comprehension. They captivate people with their magic and undermine the sacred roots of religions.
The third issue is a lack of introspection. If people and so-called religious heads introspected, religions could become a source of comfort rather than sources of mutual demoralization. Introspection is crucial for personal and spiritual growth. However, when external concerns take precedence over inner reflection, religions are inevitably reduced from exalted positions to mere contenders.
The fourth issue is the narrow meaning of life. Life in its entirety is about self-discovery and connection with the Almighty. In other words, the true meaning of life is to live and let others live. There is no mandate to unnecessarily interfere with others. We are advised to set our homes in order to achieve salvation. However, instead of doing this, we consciously or unconsciously blame others. Thus, all the good works done in the name of religion are squandered, and the future looks bleak.
The harmful effects of religiosity or pseudo-religious behavior are clear. Rather than purifying oneself, almost everyone has lost touch with the essence of religion. Society is treading the path of immorality, from female foeticide to human trafficking. Instead of combating poverty and hopelessness, we champion noise and meaningless rituals. Drug addiction has overshadowed efforts to eradicate drugs from society. Our marriages lack humanity, with extravagance overshadowing morality. The number of unmarried men and women increases daily, yet no one seems concerned. Modern technology exposes teenagers to adult content, leaving them bewildered by sudden changes and hormonal rushes that disrupt their lives.
To rectify these issues, we must reaffirm the foundational principles of religions. Each day brings new challenges that demand our attention. Religion can provide spiritual guidance and stability in an increasingly chaotic world. It encourages us to transcend mundane concerns and find meaning beyond materialism.
All self-proclaimed champions of religion must abandon their regressive attitudes and adopt an enlightened perspective. Let us cleanse our minds of pseudo-religiosity and toxic orthodoxy. May the Almighty bring decency and wisdom to our lives!



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Syed Mustafa Ahmad
1:50 am July 24, 2024


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