Unemployment Crisis In Jammu And Kashmir: A Growing Concern

1:15 am July 23, 2024


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Unemployment Crisis In Jammu And Kashmir: A Growing Concern

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The region’s 24.6% unemployment rate, much higher than the national average, is a serious issue that needs to be addressed urgently, requiring a multifaceted approach from the government, policymakers and the local populace

Jammu and Kashmir is grappling with a serious issue that jeopardizes the foundation of its community: unemployment. The problem has been brewing for decades and shows no signs of going away, posing a significant obstacle for the local populace, government, and policymakers.
Recent figures show that Jammu and Kashmir has an astounding 24.6% unemployment rate, which is much higher than the 6.1% national average. This corresponds to more than 10 lakh (1 million) educated young people in the area who are having difficulty securing jobs. Given that the area has experienced political unrest, militancy, and economic stagnation for more than thirty years, the situation is even more dire.
The dearth of infrastructure and industrial development in Jammu and Kashmir is one of the main causes of the region’s high unemployment rate. The few industries in the area are mostly small-scale and struggling to survive, and there is little investment from the private sector. Because there are few job opportunities due to the lack of large corporations and industries, many educated youth are forced to migrate to other parts of the country in search of work.
The over-reliance on government employment is a major contributing factor to the unemployment rate in Jammu and Kashmir. The government sector is already oversaturated, and nepotism and corruption frequently taint the few open positions. As a result, a large number of young people with educations are now required to wait for years or even decades,
Another big worry is Jammu and Kashmir’s educational system. Even though the region’s literacy rates have increased significantly, the standard of education has not improved. A lot of schools lack the necessary facilities, and the courses they offer are frequently out of date and unsuitable for today’s workforce. As a result, a large number of young people with education are not equipped with the abilities and knowledge needed to compete in the contemporary labour market.
Furthermore, Jammu and Kashmir has a tonne of potential for small-scale industries, which can give a lot of young people jobs. As an illustration, the area has a sizable demand for products that are currently imported from other states, such as milk, dairy products, chicken, and other food items. In addition to creating jobs, establishing small-scale businesses in these areas can lessen the region’s reliance on other states for necessities.
Furthermore, the area has a strong agricultural history, and small-scale agricultural enterprises can significantly strengthen the local economy. Fruits, vegetables, and other crops can be produced more abundantly, and small-scale businesses like food processing, canning, and packaging can be established to give young people in the area jobs.
The government and decision-makers in Jammu and Kashmir need to adopt a multipronged strategy to tackle the issue of unemployment. First and foremost, the region’s infrastructure and industrial development need to be supported. This can be accomplished through establishing special economic zones, offering incentives to private sector investors, and enhancing connectivity and transit systems.
Second, the economy needs to be more diversified, with a focus on industries like renewable energy, tourism, and hospitality. These industries have a ton of untapped potential in Jammu and Kashmir, and developing them could open up thousands of job opportunities for young people living there.
Thirdly, the educational system needs to be changed to better prepare students for the demands of the contemporary labour market. This can be accomplished by implementing programs for vocational training, making infrastructural improvements, and updating the curriculum to incorporate contemporary technologies and skills.
Lastly, the problem of nepotism and corruption in government employment needs to be addressed. The government must make sure that hiring procedures are open and merit-based, and that positions are filled more based on ability and skill than on relationships and power.
In conclusion, Jammu and Kashmir’s unemployment problem is a serious issue that needs to be addressed right away. To solve this problem and guarantee that the region’s educated youth are given the opportunities they deserve, the government, legislators, and the local populace must collaborate. Through the encouragement of small-scale industries, economic diversification, educational reform, and corruption control, we can help Jammu and Kashmir reach its full potential and guarantee a prosperous future for its people.

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Danish Razaq Lone
1:15 am July 23, 2024


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